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I whish to thank Phillip for all the work he has put out on the internet. I started looking at photo.net in 1999 and has learned a great deal since.I have had my own dreams of starting a business on the internet, and recently I stumpled upon the book below.
LLOYD, T 1992 Entrepreneur! Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd., 1992
The part below is a quote ( p. 132) where one entrepreneur recounts a conference about entrepreneurs. ...being invited to a conference about entrepreneurs by the head of the venture capital division of one of the banks that had backed him. The plan was to subject a group of entrepreneurs and a group of bankers to a series of personality tests and then to compare the results to see if there were any significants contrasts.
'He came to me and said, "We know venture capital is about entrepreneurs, so that means that after due diligence it's all about backing horses. We want to analyse entrepreneurs to see if we can improve the odds. Will you help...