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For my entire life, it was hammered into me that we need scientists and engineers. Being a bright and impressionable lad, I was more than happy, willing in fact, to sacrifice my youth on the altar of science and technology- I suppose I enjoyed it. Well, when I finally graduated with a MS in Aerospace Engineering in 1991, I found that since the USSR had packed it in, I was no longer needed urgently. So, I have settled into industry working on this Government missile and then that one. Not really a career for someone who likes to stay busy and be learning all the time. In short, I hate it. Zero creativity. Zero challenge. Level-of-effort (LOE) and chargeability are the order of the day. I'm doing my damnedest to finish my first novel and get it published and get the hell out of this chicken-poop profession. In a phrase, NOT WHAT IT WAS CRACKED UP TO BE... Help me out. Buy my first book! "Technology Transfer" Should be out in 2001.