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Sprint is okay -- the service is pretty good, and I like many of the same features that you do -- but should you have a problem with their service, and need to speak with Customer Care -- be aware that these nice, hard-working folks have absolutely no authority whatsoever to help you. BTW, they can refuse to sell you a plan or an option for any reason whatsoever -- we received a notice that said that we were refused this service "based on no previous information" and "based on no credit reporting service". In other words -- we smell, and that's why they won't let us buy. I plan on speaking with other customers who "smell" the way we do...I don't think that's right. What do you think? In other news, no one knows how to connect a notebook to a modem to a cell phone. Sprint sez it will be offering internet access thru it's PCS service "by the end of the year" -- IBTWISI, Call any of the other cell service providers and you get thrown back and forth between tech support and sales. ...