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Complex Queriespart of SQL for Web Nerds by Philip Greenspun |
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Theselect users.user_id, users.email, max(classified_ads.posted) from users, classified_ads where users.user_id = classified_ads.user_id group by users.user_id, users.email order by upper(users.email); USER_ID EMAIL MAX(CLASSI ---------- ----------------------------------- ---------- 39406 102140.1200@compuserve.com 1998-10-08 39842 102144.2651@compuserve.com 1998-12-13 41426 50@seattle.va.gov 1997-01-13 37428 71730.345@compuserve.com 1998-11-24 35970 aaibrahim@earthlink.net 1998-11-08 36671 absolutsci@aol.com 1998-10-06 35781 alevy@agtnet.com 1997-07-14 40111 alexzorba@aol.com 1998-09-25 39060 amchiu@worldnet.att.net 1998-12-11 35989 andrew.c.beckner@bankamerica.com 1998-08-13 33923 andy_roo@mit.edu 1998-12-10
group by users.user_id, users.email
tells SQL to "lump
together all the rows that have the same values in these two columns."
In addition to the grouped by columns, we can run aggregate functions on
the columns that aren't being grouped. For example, the MAX above
applies to the posting dates for the rows in a particular group. We can
also use COUNT to see at a glance how active and how recently active a
user has been:
A publisher who was truly curious about this stuff probably wouldn't be interested in these results alphabetically. Let's find our most recently active users. At the same time, let's get rid of the unsightly "MAX(CLASSI" at the top of the report:select users.user_id, users.email, count(*), max(classified_ads.posted) from users, classified_ads where users.user_id = classified_ads.user_id group by users.user_id, users.email order by upper(users.email); USER_ID EMAIL COUNT(*) MAX(CLASSI ---------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- 39406 102140.1200@compuserve.com 3 1998-10-08 39842 102144.2651@compuserve.com 3 1998-12-13 41426 50@seattle.va.gov 1 1997-01-13 37428 71730.345@compuserve.com 3 1998-11-24 35970 aaibrahim@earthlink.net 1 1998-11-08 36671 absolutsci@aol.com 2 1998-10-06 35781 alevy@agtnet.com 1 1997-07-14 40111 alexzorba@aol.com 1 1998-09-25 39060 amchiu@worldnet.att.net 1 1998-12-11 35989 andrew.c.beckner@bankamerica.com 1 1998-08-13 33923 andy_roo@mit.edu 1 1998-12-10
Note that we were able to use our correlation names of "how_recent" and "how_many" in the ORDER BY clause. Theselect users.user_id, users.email, count(*) as how_many, max(classified_ads.posted) as how_recent from users, classified_ads where users.user_id = classified_ads.user_id group by users.user_id, users.email order by how_recent desc, how_many desc; USER_ID EMAIL HOW_MANY HOW_RECENT ---------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- 39842 102144.2651@compuserve.com 3 1998-12-13 39968 mkravit@mindspring.com 1 1998-12-13 36758 mccallister@mindspring.com 1 1998-12-13 38513 franjeff@alltel.net 1 1998-12-13 34530 nverdesoto@earthlink.net 3 1998-12-13 34765 jrl@blast.princeton.edu 1 1998-12-13 38497 jeetsukumaran@pd.jaring.my 1 1998-12-12 38879 john.macpherson@btinternet.com 5 1998-12-12 37808 eck@coastalnet.com 1 1998-12-12 37482 dougcan@arn.net 1 1998-12-12
("descending") directives in the ORDER BY clause
instruct Oracle to put the largest values at the top. The default sort
order is from smallest to largest ("ascending").
Upon close inspection, the results are confusing. We instructed Oracle to rank first by date and second by number of postings. Yet for 1998-12-13 we don't see both users with three total postings at the top. That's because Oracle dates are precise to the second even when the hour, minute, and second details are not displayed by SQL*Plus. A better query would include the clause
where the built-in Oracle functionorder by trunc(how_recent) desc, how_many desc
truncates each date
to midnight on the day in question.
Seventy three hundred rows. That's way too big considering that we are only interested in nominating a couple of people. Let's restrict to more recent activity. A posting contributed three years ago is not necessarily evidence of interest in the community right now.select user_id, count(*) as how_many from bboard group by user_id order by how_many desc; USER_ID HOW_MANY ---------- ---------- 34474 1922 35164 985 41112 855 37021 834 34004 823 37397 717 40375 639 ... 33963 1 33941 1 33918 1 7348 rows selected.
We wanted to kill rows, not groups, so we did it with a WHERE clause. Let's get rid of the people who are already serving as maintainers.select user_id, count(*) as how_many from bboard where posting_time + 60 > sysdate group by user_id order by how_many desc; USER_ID HOW_MANY ---------- ---------- 34375 80 34004 79 37903 49 41074 46 ... 1120 rows selected.
The concept of User ID makes sense for both rows and groups, so we can restrict our results either with the extra WHERE clause above or by letting the relational database management system produce the groups and then we'll ask that they be tossed out using a HAVING clause:select user_id, count(*) as how_many from bboard where not exists (select 1 from bboard_authorized_maintainers bam where bam.user_id = bboard.user_id) and posting_time + 60 > sysdate group by user_id order by how_many desc;
This doesn't get to the root cause of our distressingly large query result: we don't want to see groups whereselect user_id, count(*) as how_many from bboard where posting_time + 60 > sysdate group by user_id having not exists (select 1 from bboard_authorized_maintainers bam where bam.user_id = bboard.user_id) order by how_many desc;
is less
than 30. Here's the SQL for "show me users who've posted at least 30
messages in the past 60 days, ranked in descending order of volubility":
We had to do this in a HAVING clause because the number of rows in a group is a concept that doesn't make sense at the per-row level on which WHERE clauses operate.select user_id, count(*) as how_many from bboard where posting_time + 60 > sysdate group by user_id having count(*) >= 30 order by how_many desc; USER_ID HOW_MANY ---------- ---------- 34375 80 34004 79 37903 49 41074 46 42485 46 35387 30 42453 30 7 rows selected.
Oracle 8's SQL parser is too feeble to allow you to use the
correlation variable in the HAVING clause. You
therefore have to repeat the count(*)
In the ArsDigita Community System ticket tracker, people reporting a bug
or requesting a feature are given a menu of potential deadlines. For
some projects, common project deadlines are stored in the
table. These should appear in an HTML
SELECT form element. We also, however, want some options like "today",
"tomorrow", "next week", and "next month". The easiest way to handle
these is to query the dual
table to perform some date
arithmetic. Each of these queries will return one row and if we UNION
four of them together with the query from ticket_deadlines
we can have the basis for a very simple Web script to present the
will produce something likeselect 'today - ' || to_char(trunc(sysdate),'Mon FMDDFM'), trunc(sysdate) as deadline from dual UNION select 'tomorrow - '|| to_char(trunc(sysdate+1),'Mon FMDDFM'), trunc(sysdate+1) as deadline from dual UNION select 'next week - '|| to_char(trunc(sysdate+7),'Mon FMDDFM'), trunc(sysdate+7) as deadline from dual UNION select 'next month - '|| to_char(trunc(ADD_MONTHS(sysdate,1)),'Mon FMDDFM'), trunc(ADD_MONTHS(sysdate,1)) as deadline from dual UNION select name || ' - ' || to_char(deadline, 'Mon FMDDFM'), deadline from ticket_deadlines where project_id = :project_id and deadline >= trunc(sysdate) order by deadline
Now let's populate with some dummy data:create table trip_to_paris_contest ( user_id references users, entry_date date not null ); create table camera_giveaway_contest ( user_id references users, entry_date date not null );
Suppose that we've got a new contest on the site. This time we're giving away a trip to Churchill, Manitoba to photograph polar bears. We assume that the most interested users will be those who've entered both the travel and the camera contests. Let's get their user IDs so that we can notify them via email (spam) about the new contest:-- all three users love to go to Paris insert into trip_to_paris_contest values (1,'2000-10-20'); insert into trip_to_paris_contest values (2,'2000-10-22'); insert into trip_to_paris_contest values (3,'2000-10-23'); -- only User #2 is a camera nerd insert into camera_giveaway_contest values (2,'2000-05-01');
Or suppose that we're going to organize a personal trip to Paris and want to find someone to share the cost of a room at the Crillon. We can assume that anyone who entered the Paris trip contest is interested in going. So perhaps we should start by sending them all email. On the other hand, how can one enjoy a quiet evening with the absinthe bottle if one's companion is constantly blasting away with an electronic flash? We're interested in people who entered the Paris trip contest but who did not enter the camera giveaway:select user_id from trip_to_paris_contest intersect select user_id from camera_giveaway_contest; USER_ID ---------- 2
select user_id from trip_to_paris_contest minus select user_id from camera_giveaway_contest; USER_ID ---------- 1 3
In less trivial uses of UNION, you can use UNION ALL, instructing Oracle not to remove duplicates and saving the sort if you know there aren't going to be any duplicate rows(or maybe don't care)
-- Neal Sidhwaney, December 10, 2002
Another example of using MINUS is shown in the following crazy-looking (and Oracle-specific [1]) query which selects the 91st through 100th rows of a subquery.
with subq as (select * from my_table order by my_id) select * from subq where rowid in (select rowid from subq where rownum <= 100 MINUS select rowid from subq where rownum <= 90)[1] The Oracle dependencies in this query are rowid and rownum. Other databases have other means of limiting query results by row position.
-- Kevin Murphy, February 10, 2003
And in PostgreSQL (and MySQL too for that matter) it is as simple as:select * from my_table order by my_id limit 90,10
An easier way for Oracle (according to a random post in a devshed.com forum I googled) would be like this:
select * from my_table order by my_id where rownum between 90,100
(Though the whole point about how to use MINUS is well taken)
-- Gabriel Ricard, February 26, 2003
Oops. I was wrong. Phil emailed me and explained that my rownum example won't work (just goes to show that not everything you find on the internet is right!).
-- Gabriel Ricard, March 17, 2003