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Splitting things up

create table flights (
	flight_id	integer unique,
	flight_number	integer,
	departure_time	datetime,
	seats		integer,
	max_weight	number

create table passengers (
	passenger_id	integer unique,
	last_name	string,
	first_names	string,
	weight_in_lbs	number

create table reservations (
	flight_id	not null references  flights,
	passenger_id	not null references  passengers,
	credit_card	string,
	time_placed	datetime,

-- JOIN, the Cartesian product
select *
from flights, passengers, reservations;

select *
from flights, passengers, reservations
where flights.flight_id = reservations.flight_id
and passengers.passenger_id = reservations.passenger_id;

-- passenger list for one particular flight
select last_name, first_names
from flights, passengers, reservations
where flights.flight_id = reservations.flight_id
and passengers.passenger_id = reservations.passenger_id
and flight_id = 10234;
Note that we don't tell the database which table to scan first.