Pseudo-code for parsing BCI-nf terms
We assume that in parsing, the parent pointer is passed around.
- If you parse something of the form (\x.M), create a lambda-node with the given parent pointer, child pointer the result of parsing M, character x, and leaf pointer (temporarily) null.
If you parse something of the form (MN), create an apply-node with the given parent pointer, left-child pointer the result of parsing M, right child pointer the result of parsing N. If the result of parsing M is a lambda-node, give an error message. The base-type character is temporarily null.
If you parse something of the form x, create a leaf node with the given parent pointer. Search upward for a lambda-node with variable x; if there is not one, or if its leaf pointer is not null, give an error message. Set the found lambda-node's leaf pointer to this node, and set this node's "points to" pointer to the found lambda-node. The base-type character is temporarily null.