
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
ad_monitor_format_kb   num
What it does:
format_kb takes in an integer, assumed to be a size value in kilobytes, and returns a prettily formatted value followed by a descriptive quantifier.
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/ad-monitoring-defs.tcl

Source code:

    if {$num < 0} {
	return [format "%5.1f Kb" [util_commify_number $num]]
    } else {
	switch [expr {([string length $num] - 1) / 3}] {
	    0   { return [append num  " Kb"] }
	    1   { return [format "%5.1f Mb" [expr {$num / 1000.0}]] }
	    default { return [format "%5.1f Gb" [util_commify_number [expr {$num / 1000000.0}]]] }
}   }