
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
What it does:
Returns a string containing the HTML for a curriculum bar. Assumes the system is enabled but checks to see if this particular user should get one.
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/curriculum.tcl

Source code:

    # check cookie to make sure this person isn't finished
    set cookie [ns_set get [ns_conn headers] Cookie]
    if { [regexp {CurriculumProgress=([^;]+)} $cookie {} input_cookie] } {
	# we have a cookie
	if { [string compare $input_cookie "finished"] == 0 } {
	    # user has completed curriculum, don't bother showing the bar 
	    return ""
	} else {
	    # compare what the user has seen to what is in the full curriculum
	    # to put in checkboxes; we check the output headers first and then 
	    # the input headers, in case there is going to be a newer value
	    set output_cookie [curriculum_get_output_cookie]
	    if { [empty_string_p $output_cookie] } {
		return [curriculum_bar_internal $input_cookie]
	    } else {
		return [curriculum_bar_internal $output_cookie]
    } else {
	# no cookie; this person is either brand new or their browser is rejecting cookies
	# let's not uglify all their pages with a bar that they can't use
	return ""