
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
wp_slide_footer   presentation_id   page_signature   { timer_start "" }
What it does:
Generates a footer for slides, including a timer at the bottom. Use $timer_start of "style" for style selection instead.
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/wp-defs.tcl

Source code:

    if { $timer_start == "" } {
	set time_str ""
    } elseif { $timer_start == "style" } {
	set time_str "<a href=\"javascript:window.open('../../override-style', '_blank', 'width=400,height=250').focus()\">change style</a>"
    } else {
	set elapsed [expr int(([ns_time] - $timer_start) / 60)]
	if { $elapsed >= 3 } {
	    set time_str "$elapsed minutes"
	} else {
	    set time_str ""

    return "

  <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
      <td align=left>$page_signature</td>
      <td align=right>$time_str</td>
