-- -- Data model for WimpyPoint II. -- Even Wimpier than the Original(tm). -- -- Jon Salz -- 13 Nov 1999 -- -- (c)1999 Jon Salz -- -- Add WimpyPoint user group type. insert into user_group_types(group_type, pretty_name, pretty_plural, approval_policy, default_new_member_policy, group_module_administration) values('wp', 'WimpyPoint presentation', 'WimpyPoint presentations', 'closed', 'closed', 'none'); create sequence wp_ids; -- Styles for presentations. We'll think more about this later if there's time - -- maybe allow ADPs for more flexibility. create table wp_styles ( style_id integer primary key, name varchar2(400) not null, -- CSS source css clob, -- HTML style properties. Colors are in the form '192,192,255'. text_color varchar2(20) check(text_color like '%,%,%'), background_color varchar2(20) check(background_color like '%,%,%'), background_image varchar2(200), link_color varchar2(20) check(link_color like '%,%,%'), alink_color varchar2(20) check(alink_color like '%,%,%'), vlink_color varchar2(20) check(vlink_color like '%,%,%'), -- public? Set directly by administrators - not accessible through web interface public_p char(1) default 'f' check(public_p in ('t','f')), -- if provided by a user, his/her ID owner references users on delete cascade ); create index wp_styles_by_owner on wp_styles(owner); -- Insert the magic, "default" style. insert into wp_styles(style_id, name, public_p, css) values(-1, 'Default (Plain)', 't', 'BODY { background-color: white; color: black } P { line-height: 120% } UL { line-height: 140% }'); -- Images used for styles. create table wp_style_images ( style_id references wp_styles on delete cascade not null, image blob not null, file_size integer not null, file_name varchar(200) not null, mime_type varchar(100) not null, primary key (style_id, file_name) ); alter table wp_styles add ( foreign key (style_id, background_image) references wp_style_images on delete set null ); -- N.B.: Interdependent tables - you have to use CASCADE CONSTRAINTS to drop wp_styles and wp_style_images! create table wp_presentations ( presentation_id integer primary key, -- The title of the presentation, as displayed to the user. title varchar2(400) not null, -- A signature on the bottom. page_signature varchar2(4000), -- The copyright notice displayed on all pages. copyright_notice varchar2(400), -- Creation date and user. The creation user always has admin access to -- a presentation. creation_date date not null, creation_user references users not null, -- Style information. style references wp_styles on delete set null, -- Show last-modified date for slides? show_modified_p char(1) default 'f' check(show_modified_p in ('t','f')), -- Can the public view the presentation? public_p char(1) default 't' check(public_p in ('t','f')), -- Metainformation. audience varchar(4000), background varchar(4000), -- The group used for access control on this presentation. -- This group should have type 'wp' and group_name = our presentation_id. group_id references user_groups ); create index wp_presentations_by_date on wp_presentations(creation_date); -- A list of checkpoints (frozen versions of a presentation). create table wp_checkpoints ( presentation_id references wp_presentations on delete cascade not null, checkpoint integer not null, description varchar(200), checkpoint_date date, primary key(presentation_id, checkpoint) ); -- Slides belonging to presentations. When a slide is created, set checkpoint -- to the value of wp_presentations.checkpoint. create table wp_slides ( slide_id integer primary key, presentation_id references wp_presentations on delete cascade not null, -- The slide_id which this was branched from. Used to preserve comments across -- versions. original_slide_id references wp_slides on delete set null, -- The minimum and maximum checkpoint for which a slide apply. -- max_checkpoint = null is the "current" version. To search for -- the slide used for checkpoint n, use condition -- min_checkpoint <= n and (max_checkpoint is null or max_checkpoint >= n) min_checkpoint integer not null, max_checkpoint integer, sort_key numeric not null, title varchar2(400), preamble clob, -- Store bullet items in a Tcl list. bullet_items clob, postamble clob, include_in_outline_p char(1) default 't' check(include_in_outline_p in ('t','f')), context_break_after_p char(1) default 'f' check(context_break_after_p in ('t','f')), modification_date date not null, -- Can override the style setting for the presentation. style references wp_styles, foreign key (presentation_id, min_checkpoint) references wp_checkpoints, foreign key (presentation_id, max_checkpoint) references wp_checkpoints ); create index wp_sorted_slides on wp_slides(presentation_id, max_checkpoint, sort_key); -- Keeps track of the sorting order for frozen sets of slides. create table wp_historical_sort ( slide_id references wp_slides on delete cascade not null, presentation_id integer not null, checkpoint integer not null, sort_key numeric not null, primary key (slide_id, checkpoint), foreign key (presentation_id, checkpoint) references wp_checkpoints on delete cascade ); create index wp_sorted_historical_slides on wp_historical_sort(presentation_id, checkpoint, sort_key); -- File attachments (including images). create table wp_attachments ( attach_id integer primary key, slide_id references wp_slides on delete cascade not null, attachment blob not null, file_size integer not null, file_name varchar(200) not null, mime_type varchar(100) not null, -- Display how? null for a link display varchar(20) check(display in ('preamble', 'bullets', 'postamble', 'top', 'after-preamble', 'after-bullets', 'bottom')) ); create index wp_attachments_by_slide on wp_attachments(slide_id); -- A "ticket" which can be redeemed for an ACL entry. Useful for inviting -- someone to work on a presentation: we generate a ticket, send it to the -- invitee (along with the secret code), and when the user access WimpyPoint we -- grant him access based on issued tickets. create table wp_user_access_ticket ( invitation_id integer primary key, presentation_id references wp_presentations on delete cascade not null, role varchar(10) not null check (role in('read','write','admin')), name varchar(200) not null, email varchar(200) not null, -- secret is null if already redeemed secret varchar(50), invite_date date not null, invite_user references users on delete cascade not null ); -- Functions. create or replace function wp_real_user_p(n_slides IN number) return varchar AS BEGIN IF n_slides < 5 THEN return 'f'; ELSE return 't'; END IF; END wp_real_user_p; / show errors create or replace function wp_previous_slide( v_sort_key IN wp_slides.sort_key%TYPE, v_presentation_id IN wp_slides.presentation_id%TYPE, v_checkpoint IN wp_checkpoints.checkpoint%TYPE ) return integer is ret integer; begin if v_checkpoint is null then select slide_id into ret from wp_slides where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and max_checkpoint is null and sort_key = (select max(sort_key) from wp_slides where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and max_checkpoint is null and sort_key < v_sort_key); else select slide_id into ret from wp_historical_sort where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and checkpoint = v_checkpoint and sort_key = (select max(sort_key) from wp_historical_sort where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and checkpoint = v_checkpoint and sort_key < v_sort_key); end if; return ret; end; / show errors create or replace function wp_next_slide( v_sort_key IN wp_slides.sort_key%TYPE, v_presentation_id IN wp_slides.presentation_id%TYPE, v_checkpoint IN wp_checkpoints.checkpoint%TYPE ) return integer is ret integer; begin if v_checkpoint is null then select slide_id into ret from wp_slides where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and max_checkpoint is null and sort_key = (select min(sort_key) from wp_slides where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and max_checkpoint is null and sort_key > v_sort_key); else select slide_id into ret from wp_historical_sort where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and checkpoint = v_checkpoint and sort_key = (select min(sort_key) from wp_historical_sort where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and checkpoint = v_checkpoint and sort_key > v_sort_key); end if; return ret; end; / show errors -- Turns the read/write/admin role predicate into a number (used for ordering). -- Higher means more access. create or replace function wp_role_order (v_role IN user_group_map.role%TYPE) return integer is begin if v_role = 'read' then return 1; elsif v_role = 'write' then return 2; elsif v_role = 'admin' then return 3; end if; return null; end; / show errors -- Given a min_checkpoint/max_checkpoint pair, determines whether the slide -- refers to a particular checkpoint. A max_checkpoint of null is considered -- infinitely high (i.e., the very latest). create or replace function wp_between_checkpoints_p (v_checkpoint IN wp_checkpoints.checkpoint%TYPE, v_min_checkpoint IN wp_checkpoints.checkpoint%TYPE, v_max_checkpoint IN wp_checkpoints.checkpoint%TYPE) return varchar is begin if v_checkpoint >= v_min_checkpoint AND (v_max_checkpoint IS NULL OR v_checkpoint < v_max_checkpoint) then return 't'; end if; return 'f'; end; / show errors -- Returns the access rights for a presentation. Never returns an access -- level lower than v_role (e.g., if v_role = 'write' but we only have -- read access, returns null). create or replace function wp_access (v_presentation_id IN wp_presentations.presentation_id%TYPE, v_user_id IN users.user_id%TYPE, v_role IN user_group_map.role%TYPE, v_public_p IN wp_presentations.public_p%TYPE, v_creation_user IN users.user_id%TYPE, v_group_id IN user_groups.group_id%TYPE ) return varchar is a_role user_group_map.role%TYPE; begin if v_creation_user = v_user_id then return 'admin'; end if; begin select role into a_role from user_group_map where group_id = v_group_id and user_id = v_user_id; exception -- nothing at all! when no_data_found then a_role := null; end; if v_role = 'write' and a_role = 'read' then a_role := null; elsif v_role = 'admin' and a_role <> 'admin' then a_role := null; end if; if v_role = 'read' and v_public_p = 't' and a_role is null then a_role := 'read'; end if; return a_role; end; / show errors -- Reverts to a checkpoint in a presentation. create or replace procedure wp_revert_to_checkpoint (v_presentation_id IN wp_presentations.presentation_id%TYPE, v_checkpoint IN wp_checkpoints.checkpoint%TYPE) is duplicate_sort_keys integer; begin -- Fix old versions of slides. If min_checkpoint <= v_checkpoint < max_checkpoint, -- the slide is now the most recent. update wp_slides set max_checkpoint = null where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and wp_between_checkpoints_p(v_checkpoint, min_checkpoint, max_checkpoint) = 't'; -- Restore sort_keys from wp_historical sort. update wp_slides s set sort_key = (select sort_key from wp_historical_sort h where h.slide_id = s.slide_id and h.checkpoint = v_checkpoint) where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and max_checkpoint is null and min_checkpoint <= v_checkpoint; -- Delete wp_historical_sort info for the current checkpoint. delete from wp_historical_sort where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and checkpoint = v_checkpoint; -- Delete hosed slides. delete from wp_slides where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and min_checkpoint > v_checkpoint; -- Delete recent checkpoints. "on delete cascade" causes appropriate rows -- in wp_historical_sort to be hosed. Gotta love cascading deletes! delete from wp_checkpoints where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and checkpoint > v_checkpoint; -- A little sanity checking: make sure sort_keys are unique in the most recent -- version now. Use a self-join. select count(*) into duplicate_sort_keys from wp_slides s1, wp_slides s2 where s1.presentation_id = v_presentation_id and s2.presentation_id = v_presentation_id and s1.max_checkpoint is null and s2.max_checkpoint is null and s1.sort_key = s2.sort_key and s1.slide_id <> s2.slide_id; if duplicate_sort_keys <> 0 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Duplicate sort_keys'); end if; end; / show errors -- Sets a checkpoint in a presentation. create or replace procedure wp_set_checkpoint (v_presentation_id IN wp_presentations.presentation_id%TYPE, v_description IN wp_checkpoints.description%TYPE) is latest_checkpoint wp_checkpoints.checkpoint%TYPE; begin select max(checkpoint) into latest_checkpoint from wp_checkpoints where presentation_id = v_presentation_id; update wp_checkpoints set description = v_description, checkpoint_date = sysdate where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and checkpoint = latest_checkpoint; insert into wp_checkpoints(presentation_id, checkpoint) values(v_presentation_id, latest_checkpoint + 1); -- Save sort order. insert into wp_historical_sort(slide_id, presentation_id, checkpoint, sort_key) select slide_id, v_presentation_id, latest_checkpoint, sort_key from wp_slides where presentation_id = v_presentation_id and max_checkpoint is null; end; / show errors create or replace function wp_migrate_slide (v_presentation_id IN wp_presentations.presentation_id%TYPE, v_slide_id IN wp_slides.slide_id%TYPE) return wp_slides.slide_id%TYPE is latest_checkpoint wp_checkpoints.checkpoint%TYPE; should_migrate integer; new_slide_id integer; begin select max(checkpoint) into latest_checkpoint from wp_checkpoints where presentation_id = v_presentation_id; select count(*) into should_migrate from wp_slides where slide_id = v_slide_id and min_checkpoint < (select max(checkpoint) from wp_checkpoints where presentation_id = v_presentation_id) and max_checkpoint is null; if should_migrate > 0 then select wp_ids.nextval into new_slide_id from dual; update wp_slides set max_checkpoint = latest_checkpoint where slide_id = v_slide_id; insert into wp_slides(slide_id, presentation_id, modification_date, sort_key, min_checkpoint, include_in_outline_p, context_break_after_p, title, preamble, bullet_items, postamble, original_slide_id) select new_slide_id, presentation_id, modification_date, sort_key, latest_checkpoint, include_in_outline_p, context_break_after_p, title, preamble, bullet_items, postamble, nvl(original_slide_id, slide_id) from wp_slides where slide_id = v_slide_id; insert into wp_attachments(attach_id, slide_id, attachment, file_size, file_name, mime_type, display) select wp_ids.nextval, new_slide_id, attachment, file_size, file_name, mime_type, display from wp_attachments where slide_id = v_slide_id; return new_slide_id; else return v_slide_id; end if; end; / show errors