proc philg_img_target {conn url_stub fpx_filename jpeg_front width height copyright_text caption tech_details tutorial_info} { set referer [ns_set get [ns_conn headers $conn] Referer] # we allow user to set a bunch of preferences set cookie [ns_set get [ns_conn headers $conn] Cookie] set complete_backlink "" if { $referer != "" } { set complete_backlink "

Return to what you were reading by using your browser's Back button. Or you can try clicking here to go back" } if { $caption == "" } { set caption $jpeg_front } if { $copyright_text == "" } { set complete_copyright "

Any photograph is copyrighted when created. You should find the photographer and get permission to use this image." } else { set complete_copyright "

$copyright_text" } set complete_tech_details "" if { $tech_details != "" } { set complete_tech_details "

$tech_details\n" } if { [string first "thumbnail_preference=4base_jpeg" $cookie] != -1 } { # user has requested the huge JPEGs set result " $jpeg_front
$caption $complete_tech_details

Available as a 500x750 pixel JPEG or a FlashPix $complete_backlink $complete_copyright

Note: This browser has been customized to request huge JPEGs by default. If you want to change the default image size or format that you get after clicking on a thumbnail, then just tell us what you'd prefer.
" } elseif { [string first "thumbnail_preference=base_fpx" $cookie] != -1 } { # 500x750 pixel FlashPix set result " $jpeg_front

Available as a 1000x1500 pixel JPEG or a 500x750 pixel JPEG

$caption $complete_tech_details $complete_backlink $complete_copyright

Note: This browser has been customized to request FlashPix files by default. If you want to change the default image size or format that you get after clicking on a thumbnail, then just tell us what you'd prefer. If you wish to make a print of this image for personal use, you should probably download the raw FlashPix file and then read my article on color printers.
" } elseif { [string first "thumbnail_preference=base4_fpx" $cookie] != -1 } { # 200x400 pixel FlashPix (BASE/4) if { $width > 256 && $height > 256 } { set new_width [expr $width / 2 ] set new_height [expr $height / 2] } else { # not all that big an image set new_width $width set new_height $height } set result " $jpeg_front

Available as a 1000x1500 pixel JPEG or a 500x750 pixel JPEG

$caption $complete_tech_details $complete_backlink $complete_copyright

Note: This browser has been customized to request FlashPix files by default. If you want to change the default image size or format that you get after clicking on a thumbnail, then just tell us what you'd prefer. If you wish to make a print of this image for personal use, you should probably read my article on color printers, especially the tips at the top for how to select the View Image option and Print Preview.
" } else { # just the default set result " $jpeg_front

Available as a 1000x1500 pixel JPEG or a FlashPix (perfect for printing)

$caption $complete_tech_details $complete_backlink $complete_copyright

Note: you can personalize this site. If you want to change the default image size or format that you get after clicking on a thumbnail, then just tell us what you'd prefer.
"} return $result }