Other Voices

reacting to Travels with Samantha by Philip Greenspun
"I'm told the French say that when you visit a new place for a week you come home and write a book. When you visit for a month you come home and write an article. When you visit for a year you come home and have nothing to say. So, perhaps the important part of travel writing is to visit briefly."
Rick Goodfellow (klef@corcomsv.corcom.com)

Avalanche Creek Falls, top of the Cedars Trail, Glacier National Park (Montana)

These are comments selected from the approximately 1 MB of feedback I got on Travels with Samantha from June 1993 when I started mailing it from the road through December 1994 when I got around to picking through the accumulated files.
Photo: Avalanche Creek Falls, Glacier National Park, from Chapter V.