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The Real World functions primarily on perceptions, rather than logic, which is why smart people- I won't name any names (see below)- are attracted to companies like ArsDigita, Microsoft, etc.; it's good to have one or two abstraction layers between yourself and the farm. From my point of view, the application problem addressed by ACS has essentially been solved, from a technical standpoint. ACS is basically about access to information, and communication, which is a big field encompassing lots of money, and with a lot of problems that aren't so well solved. I recently installed a home/office network (laptop and Dell mini-tower), and the other day I had my laptop uploading information to my web host, which a few minutes later I downloaded to the Dell (I haven't yet got things configured so that Linux can access Windows on the LAN). So I had information going 500 miles to Washington D.C. and back, (partly) so that it could end up on a computer 8 feet from where it started. I've ...