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Here are a couple of useful tips I got from a very good CFII
- When selecting an approach, never choose "vectors for final". Choose the IAF which makes the most sense from your position. Even if ATC will give you vectors, they may at any time choose to say "go direct PLASM" or something, and if you don't have the full approach, you will be one busy knob twister. If you actually do get nothing but vectors to final, simply activating the final leg of the approach is good enough.
- After entering a flight plan, always zoom out and look for "spikes". These are misspellt intersections. Much better to find out now than later, when the autopilot decides to make a 90 degree turn into the mountains.
- If you fly certain routes often, save a flight plan with all the usual alternate routes programmed in. It is far easier to delete existing entries as ATC gives you your next routing than to twist in new waypoints.
- Get u...
I really wished I understood how Garmin comes up with the bizarre design decisions. Apparently, ease of certification is a major factor....