Brian and David LaMacchia made it possible for this UNIX-avoider to publish on the World Wide Web. Without them, I'd be just another has-been computer scientist clinging to his Lisp Machine and getting misty talking about the good old days.
Jonathan Rees made it possible for this C-avoider to create the feedback scripts. Every time you click on a feedback box, it starts up a Scheme 48 job running on our file server. Thanks to Jonathan, a few simple lines of Lisp code suffice to elegantly solve most script problems.
The Eastman Kodak Company was kind enough to donate a PhotoCD scanner to the MIT Media Lab's Interactive Cinema group, many of whose members graciously assisted me in my wee hour struggles with the PhotoCD workstation.
I came back with 24 rolls of slides, mostly Fuji Sensia but some Fuji Velvia. I shot 17 rolls of Fuji 400 negative film. I've written a lot already about how I take pictures.