Sheryl Sandberg sweeps away sex discrimination at Facebook

A friend on Facebook who also happens to work at Facebook posted the following:

‪#‎ellenpao‬ fired despite her results & despite them being credited to less competent men. ‪#‎whendoesitend‬ I am so happy to be at Facebook now where Sheryl Sandberg leads on culture. The stories I could tell about other places.

She linked to a story on Business Insider about the trial in Ellen Pao’s lawsuit against Kleiner Perkins. Right next to the story that she referenced was a link to “A woman has hired Ellen Pao’s lawyers to sue her former employer Facebook for sex discrimination and harassment.”


4 thoughts on “Sheryl Sandberg sweeps away sex discrimination at Facebook

  1. Zuckerberg was also sued for not giving some kook in upstate New York half the shares of Facebook. I am not sure how the filing of a suit is a marker for anything.

  2. In a way your friend is right, because so much of sexual harassment depends upon how the “victim” perceives the behavior. For example, a partner at Kleiner gave Pao Leonard Cohen’s “Book of Longing”, which contains poems and drawings with sexual themes. Pao perceived this as harassment but the partner involved said that he ordered the book (actually had his WIFE order the book) sight unseen on Amazon because he felt that he needed to reciprocate a Christmas gift from her and he heard about the book in an NPR segment and ordered it because of its Buddhist influence (Pao had given him a Buddha figurine).

    So, at Sheryl Sandberg’s Facebook, when your boss gives you a book with sexy poems on Valentine’s Day, he is just paying attention to your interest in Buddhism, he is not trying to get in your drawers. But at sexist Kleiner, he is. The book may be the same, but the PERCEIVED intention may differ.

  3. I think a lot of things can be inferred from Phil’s posting including: “No leader in history was as capable as Sheryl Sandberg purports to be”

  4. CNBC had a schizo report on the Ellen PO saga
    and lumping it with Not enough women in Tech.
    how tech was boys club.
    More women need to be in leadership position in order to make changes.

    Obviously if you point to the logic mistakes and historical amnesia
    of Nerds creating this industry.
    Nerds have been oppressing women from beginning of time.
    The fact that nerds aren’t running around chasing women in order
    to create a fantasy world like Gaming means it is just right for women
    to come over and conquer using tried and true method of
    the past. Same talking points are being used by major Corporation.
    It is just matter of time when quota will have to implemented in order
    to make the dream come true.

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