The senior citizen and Obamacare tax penalties

A retired Ivy League graduate checked the wrong box when using H&R Block software to prepare 2015 taxes. This resulted in a $2,700 penalty for not complying with Obamacare requirements to purchase health insurance. That in itself is a little odd since the same government that was penalizing him and his wife was also providing them with Medicare, which one would think would be legal under Obamacare.

He noticed the error about six months later and filed an amended tax return. Just recently he got three letters from the IRS on the same day. One said that he owed them about $6,000. One said that they owed him $2,700. The third letter said that nobody owed anyone anything.


4 thoughts on “The senior citizen and Obamacare tax penalties

  1. As JFK was advised in the Cuban missile crisis, answer the last one. (or was it the first one?)

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