Female college professor is smarter than everyone else, but cannot find a straight man to sleep with?

“What Happens to #MeToo When a Feminist Is the Accused?” (nytimes) concerns a woman who is a college professor and therefore holds her job based on being smarter than everyone else (at least smarter than the tuition-paying students!). What happens when the super genius gets into bed?

Mr. Reitman, who is now 34 and is a visiting fellow at Harvard, says that Professor Ronell kissed and touched him repeatedly, slept in his bed with him, required him to lie in her bed, held his hand, texted, emailed and called him constantly, and refused to work with him if he did not reciprocate. Mr. Reitman is gay and is now married to a man; Professor Ronell is a lesbian.

In a metro area with a population of more than 20 million, the professor couldn’t find anyone to sleep with other than a student. Okay. She allegedly used her status as a professor to coerce a male student into bed. Unfortunate if true. But given that the professor identifies as female, how challenging would it have been for her to find a heterosexual male student?

Most Americans who lack a college degree, much less a Ph.D., are nonetheless able to find someone in roughly the correct category for sharing a bed (I share with Mindy the Crippler and we’re both happy!).

Will this cause readers to lose respect for Academia? NYU tuition is over $50,000 per year. Is it worth paying $50,000 per year to learn from someone who can’t figure out that a gay man+woman is not a great bed combination?

8 thoughts on “Female college professor is smarter than everyone else, but cannot find a straight man to sleep with?

  1. I remember hormones raging during college years. Almost any young male student would jump at the opportunity to sleep with any reasonably attractive female professor. Alas for Ms. Ronell, she is anything but, whereas Mr. Reitman is quite handsome.

    I don’t know how smart Ms. Ronell is, but as she is a philosopher, I suspect not very, but very enamored with the sound of her own voice. Most likely her mind is even more repellent than her looks to those who care for such traits.

  2. > (I share with Mindy the Crippler and we’re both happy!).
    How can you know this ? Maybe you are imposing yourself and not realizing it in typical male chauvinist fashion ?

  3. I like that there are about 900 comments on the NYT site from readers who need to sit in judgment over these poor confused people — young(ish) Nimrod, old Avital, and the various “experts” quoted who have no apparent expertise in anything.

  4. On second thought, Young Nimrod is not all that confused. Here’s a guy who is going on 35 with no obvious way to earn a living and he sees the chance to collect from NYU, who, spending other people’s money will give him a big bone to disappear. Note that Young Nimrod is currently involved in “research” dealing with the “connections between the role of drawing and the representation and misrepresentation of dreams, as well as other psychoanalytical models (the two models of the “ego-id-super-ego,” for instance). Another aspect of the research would try to understand why these drawing have been concealed or repressed? By whom? And according to which psychoanalytical protocols?” Good to see that Harvard gives him a place to pursue that “research.”

  5. Dear Penthouse,

    I know that some stories out there sound unbelievable, but I swear this one is true. I am a man who was raped by my lesbian college professor, and I loved it.

    I was a confused young man living away from home for the first time. I know college is supposed to be a big party, but for me it was no party. I went to classes, did my homework, and was too shy to talk to anyone. My life changed after I took “Teledildonics and Gender”, and I ended up getting more than my mind expanded….

  6. > Professor Ronell is a lesbian.

    “… not a true lesbian, just too ugly to get any men to sleep with her.” ^1

    1^ This is an actual insult spoken by a comedian towards a woman who was drunkenly heckling him while making out with her female partner in the front row during his act in a comedy club in Canada. She claimed his insults were so damaging they paralyzed her in her seat, so she could not flee, and had to endure them. She further claimed to suffer ptsd flashbacks while reading about her case in media. A “human rights tribunal” ordered the comedian and club to pay her $22,500.

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