My hosts here in Omaha, Nebraska have the September 1, 2003 Forbes magazine in their kitchen. One quote that might amuse you…
There are three roads to ruin:
women, gambling, and technicians.
The most pleasant is with women,
the quickest is with gambling,
but the surest is with technicians.
— Georges Pompidou
(Of course, the French definition of a “technician” is more akin to what we would call a scientist, engineer, or “technologist”.)
Depending on your perspective
Right. Technicians gave us air conditioning.
Also attributed to Baron Rothschild: “There are three principal ways to lose money: wine, women, and engineers. While the first two are more pleasant, the third is by far the more certain.” I can’t find an unimpeachable attribution, though.
Search for Rothschild.
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Speaking of Forbes magazine… they seem to have ‘forgotten’ about my subscription. They must have discovered that I’m a graduate student.