Cambridge, Massachusetts getting a bit of style

Our hometown of Cambridge, Massachusetts, famous for its poorly dressed citizens, will be getting a bit more style next year as the outgoing Miss America, Erika Harold, shows up to attend Harvard Law School (see the end of this Washington Post article, which notes that one of her favorite activities is promoting sexual abstinence, something that should be easy to achieve over at the Law School…; also check out my school page, which recounts my experience as a student at the Law School).

[Apparently creeping credentialism is a factor even in the Miss America contest; Tina Sauerhammer, the winner of third place just received her MD from University of Wisconsin.]

4 thoughts on “Cambridge, Massachusetts getting a bit of style

  1. “On the side she also promoted a pet issue, sexual abstinence.”

    Is that sentence hilarious, or am I just really immature?

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