3 thoughts on ““tech dork mills like Caltech and MIT”

  1. How true; this can be expanded to our lack of technology and product leadership in consumer products and other areas. maybe lifetime employment in a big japanese company is one type of solution.

    We lost the momentum from the 60s space race. Time to come up with something new. Problem is… I really think people dont care anymore as long they have their walmarts to go to.

  2. I can see why someone would describe MIT as a tech dork mill, but Caltech only churns out about 200 tech dorks per year, not exactly mass production.

  3. Related to this same subject, there’s Neal Stephenson’s op-ed today in the NYT, in which he uses “Star wars” as a metaphor to drive the same point across.

    (Personally, I think that his “Star wars” interpretation/metaphor is a bit forced, but his main point is one that will probably resonate with Phil: if we keep wanting to enjoy the luxuries and wealth created by science and technology, but we don’t want to bother learning about science and technology anymore, we are doomed).

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