2 thoughts on “Dressing to get through airport security

  1. I know I will never forget my 18 month old son being stripped down to his diaper and then having TSA take a look down the front and back of the diaper to make sure we had not stuffed some nonmetallic contraband in such a leakage prone location.
    Perhaps the Birmingham security has a deep seated fear of clowns…

  2. My family, including small children, were pulled aside for extra screening while a group of Arab men, chanting something with “Allah” in just about every word, were expedited through (to the loud complaints of other passengers).

    Obviously, the real clowns are the people manning the security checkpoints, and it must be against their union rules to let a different clown through.

    There are many ways to take a plane down, or take control (which I won’t get into here). We have to wake up and realize the whole TSA debacle is stupid and a waste of time and much money. And even if we do create a perfectly secure airline system, the next attack could be just like in India, or at a mall or school.

    Time to get smart and work on better solutions to the Islamist threat.

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