12 thoughts on “Good Web sites built on top of a standard Weblog toolkit?

  1. Although it’s my own family’s site, I helped put together the blog section of http://www.seliger.com and tried to match the general look of a standard WordPress template to the professionally designed main site. You can find the blog part through the main site or here.

  2. The following is a site my (web development) company designed and built for the residential home-building business that my brother and I operate. It was completely constructed with WordPress (mapping “properties” to “posts”, and using custom fields to enter geo coordinates used in the Google maps):


  3. http://www.dreamfactoryrochester.com/ — local chapter of a national non-profit.
    I suggested WordPress to them a few years ago, for the same reasons you’re citing.
    Note that the basic multi-user CMS features make it easy for them to delegate writing, get new people up to speed quickly, and never worry about damaging the HTML content.

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