Clinton versus Obama; poor state versus rich state

An economist pointed out that Bill Clinton was practically a libertarian compared to Barack Obama. Both are popular Democrats, separated by just eight years, so how to explain the difference in philosophy?

My answer was that Clinton had come from Arkansas, a poor state (#48 in household income). There wasn’t that much accumulated wealth in Arkansas to ladle out to cronies. Clinton thus turned to the only remaining possible strategy of trying to grow the pie by making an environment more conducive to business investment.

Obama, by contrast, came to national office from Illinois, a wealthy state (#16). By taxing some of the real estate, factory, and other wealth in Illinois it is possible to hand out significant checks to tens of thousands of supporters. Why attempt the hard work of growing the economy when one can simply tax the Willis (formerly Sears) Tower?

Temperamentally we should expect politicians from wealthy states to behave like Saudi princes, assuming that an inexhaustible supply of wealth is their birthright and spending most of their time figuring out how to distribute it.

One thought on “Clinton versus Obama; poor state versus rich state

  1. I know it sounds complacently. I warned about electing Obama last year,
    here (
    and here

    after he decided to vote for the TARP. This is absolutly inacceptable.
    But it seems the wish for some strong leader (should we shout “Heil Obama” soon?) has taken away most of the rationality. If the facts are against or for a claim it does not matter. As long as the opinon is strong enough and just the tenor is the same. “Surrender to our all knowing governement”….

    Look it does not matter where you looke it’s always the same the solution to all is more power to the governement. And you felt for that. Just a few examples
    1) Fight against terrorism
    2) fight against “climate change”
    3) fitght abgainst depression.
    4) fight against “Bankster” Faiilure (not very successfull as the newest numbers suggest that more than 100 banks have gone bankruppt in 2009…)

    That’s all there is. And the only answer is. “Just surrender your freedom, and all will go well.

    It’s one big LIE and build on this LIE the actions take place.
    1) more burocracy
    2) more political influnce in any kind of undertaking
    3) more taxes about the “unbelieving”

    It surely fits with the every crying Krugman. And this voice sounds like singing of angels to your politicians (but a few). So in Germany there is the saying about the Loreley. I’m sure the cliffs are nearer than nearly any politican can think of….

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