Swine flu treatment

Some of my airline crew friends would refer to a plastic shopping bag containing their sandwich as a “West Virginia lunch pail”. When folks asked how we navigated while flying a helicopter from California to Boston I would say that we used a “Kentucky GPS”, i.e., descending to 250′ above the ground and reading the green signs on the Interstate. In that spirit, let me say that I emailed my “Crash of 2008 Concierge Physician” (doctor friend) about whether I should be concerned about entering Day 15 of swine flu symptoms. I’ve still got a sore throat and cough. His response:

“I see something similar to asthma on frequent basis after a viral upper airway disease which gives a bit of wheezing and cough for several weeks- can be treated with steroids if symptoms are bad. Will stop on its own eventually (all bleeding stops eventually as well due to clotting or death).”

Now I feel better.

[Separately, a friend’s 5-year-old had been trained to protect himself from flu germs the modern way, with hand sanitizer. Unfortunately the bottle was located on a counter higher than his head. When he pressed on the pump some of the alcohol-based fluid squirted in his eye. Now he has an ulcerated cornea, which is extremely painful but usually heals well. He’s now relegated to the dark basement, watching TV in a Roman Polanski outfit (dark sunglasses, baseball cap).]

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