Why wasn’t the government running Silk Road?

The Silk Road web site resulted in a life-without-parole sentence for its developer.

Here are questions for readers:

  1. would the operator of a site such as Silk Road have an edge in finding out the identities, locations, addresses, etc. of people buying and selling illegal drugs?
  2. if the answer to 1 is “yes,” why wasn’t something like Silk Road set up by the FBI and DEA, run for a few years, and then the database used to round up people who’d been breaking the law?


6 thoughts on “Why wasn’t the government running Silk Road?

  1. You may already answer your own question. The government would have materially facilitated and knowingly allowed crimes to occur for a few years. Without a much bigger goal (I’m thinking along the lines of Donnie Brasco) the public/Congress won’t see it favorably when disclosed.

  2. It was, but it was a typical government technology project – they started in 2008, have burned through $280m and expect to have the requirments finished by 2017.

  3. Because the 3-letter agencies already run the drug trade and already know the identities, locations, addresses, etc. of people buying and selling illegal drugs?

    Why ruin a nice, profitable operation when there are so many black-projects that need funding?

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