Is Donald Trump running for president mostly for the temporary flight restriction?

Most articles in the New York Times about Donald Trump have the form “He promised in a speech to do X and here are the horrible things that would happen if X were to occur.” (i.e., the journalist starts from the assumption that Donald Trump would be America’s first political candidate to fulfill all campaign promises). “A President Trump Could Trump His Club’s Fight Over Planes” is interesting to me, though, because of the aviation angle. Ever since 9/11, the FAA establishes all kinds of flight restrictions around places where a U.S. president either is or might be. If the president isn’t around then airplanes may be restricted to overfly no lower than 5000′ (see Prohibited Area P-40 over Camp David).

Trump has been fighting with the FAA and the local airport (Palm Beach International) regarding departures over Mar-a-Lago. It turns out that it was the airport manager who suggested, back in 2011, “The solution for him is to get elected president.”

  • Disney’s private airspace gets some press coverage (Disney has better political connections than other theme park operators, so they have a “permanent temporary” flight restriction over their parks, purportedly for security but in reality to eliminate advertising competition from planes towing banners; i.e., the government has issued regulatory guidance to Al Qaeda that if they want their terrorism flight to be legal until 1000′ above the point of impact (see FAR 91.119), they are required to attack a theme park not owned by Disney)

4 thoughts on “Is Donald Trump running for president mostly for the temporary flight restriction?

  1. LAC: Almost none of what is in that second NYT article is true. Anyone can get expedited registration for an international flight. There are services with offices near the FAA’s main admin center in Oklahoma City that, for a modest fee, will walk paperwork over and then walk it through whatever hoops it needs to go through. I’ve seen this happen with $325,000 helicopters coming out of the Robinson factory in LA. It is not a special thing for the rich.

  2. The FAA is such a tool, they need to mandate free helicopter rides for me.

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