3 thoughts on “Customers are our only priority… French-style

  1. Indeed it is not allowed to open after 9:30 pm and after 1:30 pm on Sunday.

    The law has been lightened somewhat in later years for places where there are tourists but it is still complicated. Even the Galleries Lafayette couldn’t find an agreement with Unions to open on every Sunday.

  2. @Ed , that’s true. Actually, I really like that much of Europe, everyone agrees to shut down (or at least scale down) for the summer. Life is too short to work all the time without breaks.

    Off topic for philg:

    I just came across Marissa Mayer’s newest CV, thought you might like to see it

    Section “Most Proud Of…” “Courage I had to take a sinking ship and try and make it float”. Really? what about making it sink faster?

    Is a college degree worth the cost? Peter Schiff finds a lot of college (and graduate school) grads — some of them STEM — working on the streets of New Orleans:

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