8 thoughts on “Photos of the Tall Ships in Boston

  1. Beautiful.

    I see lots of those heavy Navy copters; they develop the towed minehunting/minesweeping gear at the local Navy station. Pretty intimidating churning by in the channel. I developed my skepticism for helicopters working on the earliest versions as a co-op student. You have about brought me around, but I still prefer the wings “fixed”.


  2. @other Donald I asked a Marine flight instructor of mine what he flew. He replied ‘shitters’ (CH 53). I asked him why they were called that, to which he responded: ‘Because it’s like sitting on your toilet and flying your house’.

  3. These are towing equivalent of an America’s Cup foiling catamaran with God-knows-how-much magnetic-signature cable trailing behind.

  4. Strange lack of construction in Boston. It’s like the entire economy moved to SF when it became based on software.

  5. Jack: At least by our pathetic local standards, there is a lot of construction in the area. Downtown Boston is pretty much fully built up already. Fifteen-story buildings are going up in the Seaport area (near where the tall ships parked) and in East Cambridge (pharma; thank you all for paying taxes to support Medicare and Medicaid!).

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