Trifecta of summer fun

Text message from a friend:

Mother of our kid’s friend emails Susie: “I am really sorry to ask, but I always do this. Do you have any guns in the house? Any trampolines? Do you have a pool?” Susie replies “Yes. Yes. Yes.” Mother says “Oh, ok. Thank you for telling me. We will bring him over to play at 3.”

What is the point of asking if you are going to let your kid play there anyway?

[Names changed to protect the guilty, but knowing that this message originated in Massachusetts I am sure that any of my face-to-face friends will immediately recognize the source!]

7 thoughts on “Trifecta of summer fun

  1. Makes perfect sense to me. She wants to be sure her son can have fun jumping on the trampoline, then cool off by swimming in the pool, while Susie keeps him safe with the gun.

  2. “Unfortunately the order we placed for the commercial fireworks was delayed due to the manufacturer’s unexpected demand for the coming holiday, but the arc welder is up and working and the kids have been having a blast with it.”

  3. You forgot the 12 foot high giant skateboard ramp for them to fall off of and the roof near the pool to jump off of and splat on the pool deck. This was standard fare back when in the 1980s in our neighborhood. And lots of kids got hurt but surprise no one sued!!!!

  4. Maybe it is to properly equip the kid. Hygienic eye and ear protection, chick swimsuit and attire that is not a health hazard while jumping on the trampoline.

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