Awesome New York Times day for computer-helicopter nerds

Yesterday was a great one, unlikely to be repeated, for computer and helicopter nerds. The front page of the New York Times carried

I would have been able to die happy if they’d also run a Canon versus Nikon piece…

2 thoughts on “Awesome New York Times day for computer-helicopter nerds

  1. The NYTimes ‘front page’ on my iPad seems mostly nonsense. Anywhere from 6-10 stories about the American presidency (with later articles including references to the phenomena). Recently that has changed with coverage of the Houston floods occupying a dizzying array of ‘column’ and graphical presentation formats. The Guardian does a much better job of ‘live’ reporting by having an list of what new developments have taken place. I’d happily continue to subscribe if one could set the main page to almost any other subsections – books, photography, ‘World’ etc. Alternatively, they could restrict themselves to one story a day about the Presidency (at least above the digital fold). The NYTimes seems to have abandoned international editions. but they must be pleased as digital subscriptions are way up. Maybe I just need to read the stories as really being about helicopters and computer scientists to see through the window dressing/click bait!

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