New slogan for Volkswagen?

It’s September and showrooms are filled with 2018 cars (“spend $50,000 on an asset that will become worthless if there are big advances in battery or self-driving technology”).

Volkswagen has had some PR problems lately. What about a new slogan for them that is alliterative and covers the high points of their history?

My proposal:

Hitler, Hippies, Hidden software

Readers: Any better ideas?

13 thoughts on “New slogan for Volkswagen?

  1. wouldn’t be funny to an environmentalist couple (her father is the famous Paul Ehrlich whose theories are in line with Thomas Malthus) who own 2 VW diesels from circa 2010 (and one of them is Jewish).

  2. How come Takata airbags kill people and nobody goes to prison but an engineer optimizes a software loop and he gets 40.months?

  3. @Jay C. Takata’s airbags issue was not intentional, VW’s “engineer optimizes a software loop” was intentional.

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