Bernie Sanders supporters are apparently the most hostile Internet users. This map of average hostility level of an Internet comment (WIRED) shows that comments from Vermonters are, on average, the most hostile (rage travels by Prius?), while comments from the adjacent Live Free or Die citizens of New Hampshire are the least hostile.
Maybe New Hampshire needs to build a border wall to keep out angry Vermonters?
“Bernie Sanders supporters are apparently the most hostile Internet users.”
The article says no such thing, and presents no data supporting that contention.
That you passed up the opportunity to use the word “Vermonsters” makes me sad.
Apparently Senator Sanders now enjoys the support of every single resident of his state. That’s great news! Too bad America is so much more populous than Vermont. If the whole country could get to know him as well as Vermont does, he’d be a shoo-in in 2020.
@Neal, it’s just a joke.
I love Vermont and I admire that they are renegade enough to support a marxist like Bernie Sanders for so many years. But who knew that such a progressive thinking state could be so full of trolls.
@German, Neal’s just trying to stay on the correct side of Comrade Bernieavitch.
GermanL: When I read the first sentence I thought it was a joke. However, given the recent discussion about the politics supposedly associated with specific vehicles, “rage travels by Prius?” seemed to imply that all of those virtue signalling recycling shaming Prius drivers actually are internet trolls. Of course that is one explanation which is consistent with the data, but not the only one.
It’s unclear that it’s meant as a joke because it’s not funny. Isn’t the point supposed to be that rage is communicated electronically? Motorized transportation is not required. Is it even the case that there many Priuses in Vermont? Are they any good in snow?
It seems that Vermont, at least at one time, had more Prius owners per capita than any other state:
Any car with winter tires is probably a good car in snow.
Ground clearance is the next issue, I think a Prius is about 5″, so probably OK up to 6-8″ of snow.
If Prius has auxialry electric motors directly on axels it provides more torque than his gasoline engine equivalent. With traction control and all- weather tires should be a good bad weather vehicle.