Social Justice Education Facilitators

Oberlin College is hiring Social Justice Education Facilitators via this web page:

Job Summary: The Social Justice Education Facilitators (SJEF) helps with the creation and implementation of the MRC’s social justice curriculum and education program.

Responsibilities: Be trained to facilitate Power, Privilege, and Oppression Training, Beyond the Binary Training, and Microaggressions Trainings; … Document and organize various resources on anti-oppression work

Qualifications: They must also have a working knowledge on the various forms of oppression, including but not limited to: race, gender, sexuality, ability, class, citizenship, etc.

Unfortunately, social justice doesn’t seem to pay a fair $15/hour wage (only $8.15/hour).


2 thoughts on “Social Justice Education Facilitators

  1. Social Justice is just a code word for Communism. So, some idiot college wants to add commie Political Officers to their staff? Why doesn’t that surprise me?

  2. I think it is because of ousourcing and the fact that 50% of population can not prosper in new economy. This was to be a new job program, to be paid by dividends from ousorced tasks by way of taxes. I recall that in late 90th articles in magazines pushed similar notions but for interior designers, chefs and such. Not everyone can an artist by everyone can be a social justice warrior.

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