Here’s a career path that I hadn’t known about: UndocuAlly trainer.
From a mole within one of America’s more expensive liberal arts colleges, a letter sent to all faculty members:
Dear all,
My name is **** and I’m the Program Coordinator for Undocumented Student Initiatives… . As continuing from last year, we are offering another UndocuAlly training for faculty and staff. We encourage all to attend if possible. Please share this message with you [sic] department.
Warm wishes,
Dear colleagues,
Our Undocu-Ally trainings [nobody can agree if this is spelled with or without a hyphen?] have been fully attended and well received in the past year. Thank you for those who have already joined us for these. We are pleased to announce that we are offering another Undocu-Ally training in the next couple of weeks. Please sign up as soon as possible. We will have 30 spots available.Requirements for Certification:
1. Attend the training in-full, no arriving late or leaving early. (Yes, the training is three hours long)
2. …
5. Sign Undocu-Ally commitment letter and Educator Activist decal.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. We will be offering more Undocu-Ally trainings soon in case you are not able to make it to this one.
Apparently there is a lot of demand nationwide for people to deliver these classes. For example, see UC Berkeley’s corresponding program, which also includes a sticker of a butterfly (people are ugly caterpillars when living in a country other than the U.S. and metamorphose into beautiful butterflies once established in the U.S.?).
It seems like this statute:
is broad enough to cover this:
If Trumpenfuhrer is what the liberal press claims he is, he could charge every undocually, and those hiring him or her with racketeering.
Our colleges seem to be past time when US colleges chiefely contributed to technological and moral progress. On the whole they are moving into are of being financial negatives for the economy. Without few STEM sectors they would be a liability for humankind already.