Thanksgiving Idea: Give government back to the Native Americans?

I’m thankful for a lot of things this year, but I don’t want to disfigure this blog too much with the maudlin friends-and-family sentiments that are more conventional on Facebook.

Let me try something in the old-style Thanksgiving spirit and just say thank-you to the Native Americans for not insisting that all of the Europeans who landed here return back home. Without Native American hospitality I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy the use of this great continent for 54 years.

However, I wonder if we European-Americans haven’t overstayed our welcome. I haven’t kept in touch with the Native American friends whom I made while living in New Mexico, but I can’t imagine that they looked at the 2016 Presidential election and said “It is amazing that these European immigrants managed to find two such fantastic candidates.”

Maybe we can’t all clear out and leave North America to its rightful inhabitants (unless we start to do better on the PISA test, other countries probably wouldn’t want us), but could we at least clear out politically? Why not let the Native Americans set up a government (presumably they’d pick a British-style parliamentary system, as have most countries) and we non-Native Americans can agree to respect their decisions?


5 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Idea: Give government back to the Native Americans?

  1. I am thankful that I wasn’t coerced into boarding school or tricked into a resettlement program which dropped me into a huge city without prospects or support.

  2. See also: Africa. In several countries the natives have taken back power from the colonial Europeans resulting in famine, collapsing economies, hyperinflation, and a bit of genocide against a few thousand white farmers.

  3. Great idea! There are many Native Americans who are well integrated into US society. Many possess strong military tradition and fought in American wars with distinctions. They are extreme warriors who fought among differetn warrior tribes and without posessing iron weapons were able to hold off europeans with fireamrs for some time and are quick learners! They also were able to completely destroy earlier Viking settlement of North Aerica, Vikings being iconic quinessential European warriors, without use of iron tools. Many still serve in US military and lament American political developments of past 13 years. So Native American rule would be a great improvement. Unless of course post means fake ones as MA senator Warren.

  4. Up here in Canada, where we have our Thanksgiving on the correct date 🙂

    We are still negotiating with the natives, they probably still own the land. Of course these negotiations will continue forever, because they generate good revenue for all the parties involved in the negotiations. The natives let us live on the land in Canada, just as long as they do not have to pay taxes and we pay them subsidies.

  5. Give New England back to the Communist Liberal Emigres! Expel them all to return to their puritanical roots in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and cut them out of the Union.

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