Here’s a Christmas posting from a Facebook friend:
The referenced story speaks with certainty about what goes on inside another person’s head: “President Donald Trump wants Americans to think he re-invented Christmas.”
Immigration from all sources should be celebrated:
“Wishing people “merry Christmas” instead of “happy holidays,” is thus in line with Trump’s decision to ban citizens of Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States”
Donald Trump will need to start scribbling:
Likewise, Nazi Germany’s propagandists rooted their idea of Christmas in visions of ethno-nationalism. They rewrote the lyrics of Christmas carols, promoted Nazified holiday traditions and launched numerous Christmas charity events for poor Germans.
Maybe there are some slight differences?
Trump’s rhetoric differs from that of Nazi Germany’s, most notably because he has never advocated for genocide.
I found it interesting that anti-Trump hatred cannot take a rest on Christmas!
Separately, it seems that Air Traffic Control is full of white nationalists because on our epic December 24th journey from Bedford to New Bedford, Massachusetts, every controller and every pilot wished those on the frequency a “Merry Christmas.”
I know one thing for sure…
When the snowflakes are perpetually offended the country must be on the right track.
When they are NOT, that is when we have a problem.
I feel restless. The labor camps in Siberia are decaying after decades of neglect and lack of use. Why did Trump bother colluding with Russia if he cannot make GULAG great again? Putin says there should be enough room for every progressive demoKrat, every Nazi-fighter (Indiana Jones style), and for nearly 3/4 of the ResistanZ. They can have their safe spaces: no white supremacist will be within 1500 miles, not in winter anyway. There is no Christmas, no Columbus Day: only MayDay (uh… on May, 1). And absolutely no Goldman Sachs.
For our friends in Kalifornia: the nature is pristine, the global warming feels distant October through May, and the bears are real. You will have good time mining gold, uranium, and bitcoin, and cleaning the vast spaces of Mother Russia of racism, sexism, Islamophobia, and permafrost.
You will certainly share a non-gender-specific bathroom. You will feel the moral superiority of being undocumented immigrants in the Evenki land. You will experience the real equality and socialism while lining up for your plate of gruel and a mug of bark tea. There will be strictly no fake news: just THE TRUTH (i.e., The Pravda) on Sundays, and you can re-use it as toilet paper too.
Please line up: your cattle cars are waiting!
and on new years everyone pilot and controller wishes everyone a happy new years! Is this just more evidence that the world is round?
Immigration from all sources should be celebrated:
“Wishing people “merry Christmas” instead of “happy holidays,” is thus in line with Trump’s decision to ban citizens of Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States”
There’s no logic there. This statement about Merry Christmas doesn’t imply that “Immigration from all sources should be celebrated”.
I worry that a large part of the US lives in a media bubble where this sort of thing is relentlessly propagated. Squinting, I see that your linked Facebook post is from NEWSWEEK, and NOT Kos or HuffPo. The over-polarized nature of Trump’s administration (by being such a caricature of a persona) has allowed this sort of brazen presumption of thought and opinion to emanate much further “up the food chain” in the media. What I fear is that, after even just 4 years, the culture of the US media will have canted so much further left that conservatives won’t be able to win elections until they pivot more left. The whole country will shift left because of Trump. I’ll call it a “market correction.”