Jumanji for helicopter pilots

We saw the remake of Jumanji last night and enjoyed it . With the Rock, Jack Black (with a female gender ID, but not for car insurance purposes), and Kevin Hart as leads, what’s not to like?

There is a UH-1 Huey for the heroes and an in-flight repair is required to the flight controls up at the lower swash plate (a “mesh plate” in the movie for some reason).

Accuracy: The three tubes connecting the cyclic and the collective to the swash plate are not actually independent functions. In other words, if one becomes disconnected it will not result in a loss of, say, collective control while cyclic control is maintained.

Readers: Who has seen the original? How does it compare to this one?

3 thoughts on “Jumanji for helicopter pilots

  1. At least from modeling, loss of 1 of the 3 pushrods acting on the swashplate was always fatal for both controls. It was an interesting problem to use a neural network to convert cyclic & collective into 3 actuators, since the controls would interact when passed through linear equations.

  2. It wasn’t really a remake so I don’t think you can make claims like one of the movies did it better than the other. It’s more of a very loosely connected sequel.

    Both movies have a silly plot that doesn’t take itself too seriously and allows for some fun action sequences. CGI and actors are greatly enhanced in the new movie. I think they did a good job of recapturing the essence of Jumanji, modernize and update the concept, and keep from being a remake of the same story.

  3. It was an interesting problem to use a neural network to convert cyclic & collective into 3 actuators, since the controls would interact when passed through linear equations.

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