I’m grateful to readers for sending me “I am tired of being a Jewish man’s rebellion” (Washington Post) in which readers learn that the motivation for two men to have sex with a blonde in her 20s was that they were rebelling against Judaism.
17 thoughts on “Washington Post explains what motivates men to have sex with blondes in their 20s”
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Well then, this. It is fascinating, and in many places and ways cringeworthy if not worse. But a good counterpoint (at least, according to the Atlantic):
Why wasn’t I a Jewish woman’s rebellion? Darn it.
Carey Purcell is simply Anti-Semitic and possibly a racist. She comes right out and says this in her ridiculous piece. Perhaps her liberal views shield her from the outrage that would fall on the typical deplorable.
Was 1st exposed to the scandal of interfaith relationships in Utah. It was shocking & a bit ridiculous that such a thing was still scandalous in the late 20th century. It was the 1st realization that no only did it matter in Utah, but the rest of US. Despite the news, US was really conservative.
I was the Orthodox Christian rebellion of many Jewish women in high school.
And that of many Muslim women in college.
“I can’t marry you because you’re not Jewish”
“Can we still sleep together?”
“Of course!”
Maybe she was offended when they finally told her, “shiksas are for practice”
toucan sam: I think the logic question is much more interesting than the racism one. She and the editors both seem to have developed and/or accepted uncritically the idea that religion was a critical factor in these two guys’ decisions to have sex with a young blonde. Now what I want is for these same geniuses to analyze a complex political situation and tell me how to vote!
Federico: That 1939 article is awesome! “Ours was a fervent love match, made more fervent by the fact that we had to wait in secret for two years until Ben earned enough at his profession to support a family.”
Those poor benighted souls hadn’t learned about letting the government support one’s family! Where was their means-tested public housing, their Medicaid, their food stamps?
Picasso, Jewish? That’s a new one.
This is just amateur social science. N = 2, and P-value not calculated.
Here you go Phil! https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/hillary-clinton-for-president/2016/10/12/665f9698-8caf-11e6-bf8a-3d26847eeed4_story.html?utm_term=.4c1fb8719585
Man, what an antisemitic essay. How did that get published? Also, she says right in there that Jews are one of the groups most likely to be exogamous! Which would seem to immediately cast doubt on her conclusion about these Jewish men’s motivations
Someone should run an ancestry background check on her as chances are good there will be a Jewish blood in her!!
The 1939 woman missed by a mile on Hitler. His Final Solution will be infamous for a thousand years.
I’m not even Jewish and I think I could be convinced to give it a go
superMike: Society appreciates the sacrifice that you are willing to make.
Best response: https://forward.com/opinion/397998/how-dare-jewish-men-keep-breaking-up-with-me/