7 thoughts on “Meet at the Rhode Island Air Show this weekend?

  1. Drove down, fun show, sat in the new Cirrus Jet, cool plane. Told I could run it for 500 to 700 per hour……. pretty sure that didn’t include the acquisition cost of $2.5 million, but I did ask how much it cost to run it not own it. Doesn’t matter, not in my budget and honestly, I’m not sure I want to fly at 30,000 feet. I think I’d prefer to fly at 8,000 and enjoy the view, at least for now.

  2. Re the Cirrus Jet, at full fuel (as I understand) the maximum payload of passengers and luggage would be slightly over 500 US pounds. So this means you’d maybe be able to take four fat Americans (including pilot) and their bags at a 3/4 fuel capacity
    If that’s true, I’m trying to understand why anyone would purchase the aircraft? Rhetorical question, sort of. But this reminds me of the Robinson Helicopter R22. With it full of fuel your weight limits are abysmal.

  3. Why get a Cirrus Jet? I think it is exactly for the mission that you described. Take four guys (or two couples and two kids) on a trip that formerly would have been done in an SR22. So it is a turbojet for running from Boston down to NY or DC. I would be in love with the simplicity of the plane if not for the fact that it is much noisier inside than a standard bizjet.

  4. Remember that a $450,000 SR20 isn’t more capable than a $30,000 Mooney from the 1960s. So Cirrus has been able to sell despite the difficulty of justifying the purchase on rational grounds.

    The sales guy at the air show said that they have a 5-year backlog of jet orders, about 500 units. Their issue is production!

  5. What’s the issue with production? Just lack of fast turnaround time to complete each plane? I’d think such a simple plane wouldn’t be that difficult to mass produce.
    It sounds like their salesman was intimating they could build a hundred a year, but can they actually pull that off? Doesn’t seem like it, so far.

  6. From Wikipedia:
    Cirrus Jet
    First prototype: 3 July 2008
    Conforming prototype: 24 March 2014
    First production: 5 May 2016
    In production
    December 2016–present
    Number built: 39, including prototypes (March 2018)
    It seems their salesman’s estimate of producing 100 per year is optimistic, even for a salesman.

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