Angelina Jolie, non-black single mom and child support plaintiff

In the comments to “Who will pay to see a movie about black guys being attacked in the family court system?” I responded to a reader who suggested that single parenthood was a particularly black or uniquely black phenomenon. I pointed out

Whites seem to be at least as eager as non-whites to profit from having children, regardless of their income level. Angelina Jolie had a net worth of $275 million when she became a child support plaintiff (see “Cash value of Angelina Jolie’s children: roughly $50 million tax-free“)

As it happens, Ms. Jolie is in the news today: “Angelina Jolie accuses Brad Pitt of shirking child support in new court filing” (NBC). The single-mom-by-choice previously won primary parent status (see Bravo) and now apparently is passionate about turning a profit on her time with the kids (or her time having the nannies watch the kids play on their iPads?). I have not seen anything to indicate that Ms. Jolie identifies as black.

[How would this be adjudicated in neighboring Nevada? Absent an agreement to the contrary, Jolie and Pitt would share parenting on a 50/50 basis. Legal fees regarding custody would be $1,000 instead of $10 million. Max child support profits would be $13,380 per child per year. It is tough to understand why more Hollywood starts don’t live in Vegas and take a Pilatus into Santa Monica as necessary for their work. Maybe not for the first marriage, but after being sued once in California courts they don’t learn?]

Readers: Let’s look in the mirror before we throw rocks at various subgroups of our fellow Americans!

[My full comment:

That joke is mostly on white people. They laughed when their black neighbors availed themselves of the “marry the government” option in the 1960s. Then whites blew up their own nuclear families starting in the 1970s with the no-fault divorce revolution and plenty of whites also found the “marry the government” strategy. It is still true that the percentage is higher in the black community, but the majority of Americans who were raised outside of a two-parent household are whites (highest percentage among wealthy nations; see )

Whites seem to be at least as eager as non-whites to profit from having children, regardless of their income level. Angelina Jolie had a net worth of $275 million when she became a child support and alimony plaintiff (see ).

The abortion sales that we learned about (see for how this works in the states that don’t have caps on child support) were by white Americans represented by white American attorneys.

So… it may be fun for white Americans to feel superior to black Americans, but if you choose single parenthood as a yardstick with “more single” as the “worse” end, white Americans are inferior to nearly every other group of humans on Planet Earth.



6 thoughts on “Angelina Jolie, non-black single mom and child support plaintiff

  1. What’s the first part of any black joke?

    Look over both shoulders to make sure nobody can overhear you.

    What’s the most confused day in Harlem?

    Father’s Day.

    Bad (and outdated — American-born blacks are a diminishing minority in Harlem.) jokes aside, you make a good point that moral dissolution is colour-blind. Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

    Why is it socially acceptable to point out that some racial groups are economically poorer than average, but not to point out moral poverty?

    Who holds the moral high ground: the conservative bigot who condemns the legalized abortion that murders every other black baby in the womb, or the enlightened liberal who supports Planned Parenthood?

    Let me cede any moral high ground by quoting muppets:

    “Everyone’s a little bit racist”

    Regarding Angelina Jolie, Mr. Pitt ignored the solemn dictum of “don’t stick your dick in crazy”. I would also point out that the marriage fell apart after she cut off her boobs.

  2. Max child support profits would be $13,380 per child per year.
    Profits would have to be calculated as the amount received from the other parent minus the amount spent on supporting the kid. How’d you go about calculating that that would be $13,380 per child per year?

    Readers: Let’s look in the mirror before we throw rocks at various subgroups of our fellow Americans!

    You must assume that Angelina Jolie reads this blog.

    Why is it socially acceptable to point out that some racial groups are economically poorer than average, but not to point out moral poverty?

    To begin with, moral poverty doesn’t seem to be well-defined. There probably aren’t any statistics that can be cited even if there was a definition.

    Who holds the moral high ground: the conservative bigot who condemns the legalized abortion that murders every other black baby in the womb, or the enlightened liberal who supports Planned Parenthood?

    The answer depends on whether the death of a embryo or fetus is the same as the death of people like you and me. This is the core of the issue.

    Also, your jokes are ancient and unfunny. Speaking of morality, it’s often people who are up to no good who have to constantly look over their shoulders to see who’s around.

  3. Vince: max revenue in Nevada is a tax-free $13,380. The profit cannot be more than 100 percent of revenue so max profit is $13,380. What’s the likely profit to a parent? As you say, it makes sense to look at typical expenditures. cites conclusions from USDA and also from a UCLA professor, William Comanor, who used Census Bureau consumer expenditure data. For higher-income couples, he couldn’t find any difference in spending on housing, transportation, food, etc. in the “no kid” versus “one kid” case (consider an environmentalist such as Leonardo DiCaprio; if he is flying alone, a Gulfstream seating 12 is chartered; if he is flying with three kids, a Gulfstream seating 12 is chartered (see )). For lower-income Americans, e.g., those earning less than $56,000 per year, Comanor’s conclusion was that kids cost about $4,300 per year. So the lower-income Nevada plaintiff could realize a profit of about $9,000 per year per child with typical spending.

  4. Vince: “The answer depends on whether the death of a embryo or fetus is the same as the death of people like you and me”

    I was at a hospital in Cambridge last night getting my FAA Medical Certificate renewed. As part of the exam I sat on a bench that is part of a X-Ray machine. Here in Massachusetts, where abortion is legal through 24 weeks of pregnancy, there was a sign asking women to alert the technicians regarding pregnancy. The legal-to-abort “embryo” or “fetus” was referred to on the sign as an “unborn child” that could/should be protected.

  5. If it happened to BRAD PITT, what hope do the rest of us have.

    He should have stayed with Jennifer Aniston.

    As Jon Voight (probably) said: Bitches be crazy.

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