Finding meaning in Academia

From a tenured (non-STEM) academic friend on Facebook:

What a great turnout at the session”And Yet She Persisted : Tools to Succeed as a Woman Academic”. I, along with 8 other female academics, shared stories of persistence. … probably the most personally meaningful session I ever participated in,

(A friend previously asked if a book titled “She Persisted” was about Massachusetts divorce plaintiffs.)

This was over a photo of a room filled with people… all of them appearing to identify as “female” (would it be okay to run a “Tools to Succeed as a Male Academic” session with an all-male audience? Women receive more than 50 percent of PhDs so men building careers are now in the minority.).

5 thoughts on “Finding meaning in Academia

  1. oh brother. gag me with a spoon!

    oh no! those terrible department meetings with those old men! The suffering of staying up all night to prepare and submit your abstract to a conference before the deadline! The juggling of teaching load and research publications (80% of which no one will ever read)! oh dear me how will I ever survive? It’s the most difficult job on the planet!

    I think these sessions should be immediately followed by “How he persisted: Tools to survive hard manual labour in the gold mining and north pacific fishing industries” or ” And finally, “How he persisted: tools for surviving jail after getting shot and captured by police for missing child support payments”.

  2. @Rob

    That was a great video some of my favorite comments:

    “He has to sit outside because his balls wont fit through the helicopter door.”

    “I have read a lot of comments asking how the pilot is able to keep the helicopter so still. Allow me to explain, as I am a seasoned pilot with over 30 years of experience. In situations like this, the combined weight of the lineman’s and pilot’s testicles helps to stabilize the aircraft.”

    “Well that was easy, wasn’t it. My wife has been looking for a change of career direction, I think I’ve now found just the thing.”

  3. btw off topic, but related somewhat via the #metoo movement.

    Asia Argento (one of the loudest #metoo Weinstein victims) now caught for paying hush money for raping co-star Jimmy Bennett as a 17-year old.

    I officially now am starting the hash tag #metooplease to all the 17-year old boys who dream about having sex with a hot 37-year old actress and getting paid $380k on top of it!

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