Female-to-male gender transition is a smart move for a 17-year-old applying to college?

A friend’s 17-year-old asserts a male gender ID (I refrained from pointing out that a room packed with cosmetics is not traditionally part of the male teenager lifestyle). The incomplete and non-surgical/non-hormonal transition is from heterosexual female to homosexual male.

Given that this gender-fluid person will soon be applying to colleges, I’m wondering if the new gender ID will be helpful. Except for elite schools, I think that admissions standards are lower for students identifying as “men” (the majority of college students identify as “women” and schools seek to avoid a gender ID imbalance).

Readers: What do you think? Is this 17-year-old best-off applying as (1) simply male, (2) transgender, or (3) gay male? College admission forms are heavy on race-related questions, but do they even ask if someone falls into an unusual gender or sexual-preference category?

8 thoughts on “Female-to-male gender transition is a smart move for a 17-year-old applying to college?

  1. Diversity and Affirmative Action is abject discrimination of the worst order. College admission should be based on merit, period. Just because it is Brown Racism doesn’t mean it is not racism. Just because it is homo or eunuch favoritism doesn’t mean it is not discrimination. Just because it is pro-minority bias doesn’t mean it is not bias. Degrees issued on the basis of racism and discrimination is not trustworthy and does not accurately reflect the holder’s qualifications and abilities — it doesn’t matter how prestigious or historic the institution engaging in such atrocities happen to be. The Federal Government can do a lot to crack down on such nonsense!

    #1 For your college diploma to be recognized the institution MUST NOT practice discrimination based on race, sex or sexual orientation for the purpose of admissions or grading. Degrees from any institution with such practices will not be recognized for the purpose of hiring, job qualification or promotions as far as the Federal Government is concerned.

    #2 For any educational institution to receive any amount of Federal Funds for any purpose, it is required to practice double blind admissions. That is the applicant is NOT ASKED AND IS NOT ALLOWED TO STATE his/her sex, sexual orientation, race or economic position. Applicants apply using ID# with no photo or name on the application. The admissions officer(s) do(es) not know the aforementioned, is not allowed to ask and is required to disqualify any candidate that discloses such information.

  2. Most likely transgender will check the appropriate boxes. Add in a non standard hobby or interest, such as “dancing about architecture” and the application process will be complete.

  3. > That is the applicant is NOT ASKED AND IS NOT ALLOWED TO STATE his/her sex, sexual orientation, race or economic position. Applicants apply using ID# with no photo or name on the application. The admissions officer(s) do(es) not know the aforementioned, is not allowed to ask and is required to disqualify any candidate that discloses such information.


    4. Volunteer activities:

    I volunteer 20 hours each week at the Ingersoll Gender Center and then another 10 hours at Genderlandia, a unique program of Camp Ten Trees offering a programming, cabin areas, and support tailored to youth who are transgender, genderqueer, gender variant, and/or questioning gender.

    I spent the summer interning at the Gender Justice League, our mission is to empower Trans* activists and our allies to fight oppression based on gender & sexuality in Washington State and to create a community where trans* people can live their lives safely, true to themselves, and free from discrimination

    Finally, I am a member of the Civil Air Patrol.

  4. @philg
    I perused that list of gender identities/thoughts/states-of-being/what have you from Berkeley that you posted on another thread. And I was wondering, is the ‘beyond gender’ category/state/etc what happened to the dude at the end of 2001 A Space Odyssey?

  5. Sounds like rapid onset gender dysphoria, ROGD, Google it. Some good stuff at Quillette on this. A big paper from a Duke U sex researcher just came out, the trans community is in a rage. It affects adolescent girls, often in groups, online. No previous sign of a problem. The girls tend to be relatively unpopular with boys, homely, before they suddenly realize they themselves are boys. They also tend to have various psych problems like depression. ROGD is rapidly replacing eating disorders as the condition of choice for young women.

  6. A sibling works in admissions at a university. The school probably has the common application. This sibling recommended: Apply as female but in the supplemental essay mention this identity and how it is meaningful to him/her. Describe how you were victimized by the patriarchical hegemony and how you were able to overcome that by becoming a part of the patriarchical hegemony. How did you grow from this?

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