Folks: Weather permitting, I’m heading down to New York on Thursday, September 13 to hear Brian Keating present a lecture on cosmology and his interesting book for laypeople, Losing the Nobel Prize. The lecture is free and at the National Museum of Mathematics (5th Avenue and 26th; registration link). Refreshments (and conversation amongst ourselves) at 6:15 pm. Lecture at 7. I would love to get together with readers. If that doesn’t work, maybe coffee on Friday morning? Happy also to meet at Teterboro on Thursday morning or Friday around noon.
9/13 is NY Primary Day. Vote early and often.
I imagine flying to Teterboro will take less time than getting from Teterboro to Manhattan.
Hope to see you at the lecture. Hopefully angry Swedes will not disrupt the proceedings
I’m booked w/ work obligations that evening, but would probably show up to somewhere early Friday.