At a recent family event I asked a young cousin what he was doing for a job. “Working on the Senate race in Tennessee,” he responded. He describes himself as a passionate liberal so I was later surprised to look up the race on Wikipedia and see that that the liberal New Yorker is doing his best to ensure that a female-identifying candidate (Marsha Blackburn) is defeated by a white male (Phil Bredesen, a former advocate of amending the state constitution to ban same-sex marriage).
How does it work with voters when they find out that out-of-state consultants are employed to persuade them? Can a “bring in the (Scarsdale) New York Democrats” approach succeed?
[Separately, if the Democratic Party tells voters that American women are victims and only the Democrats can help them, how can they spin their attempt to defeat a woman trying to bust through the glass ceiling and instead place a 74-year-old white male in a position of power?]
But Marsha Blackburn nominated Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize, is a net-neutrality opponent, and NRA supporter. I don’t think Democrats want her to bust through the glass ceiling.
Jamie: Maybe we need a rule that any U.S. President who gets through four years without starting a war gets a Nobel Peace Prize automatically!
If a young man can get paid to massage the body politic, hand him some lotion and get out of his way!
The Nobel peace prize shall be given to any president who is not a Bush!
Even though half of Tennessee went for the Union, one of the best ways to condemn a politician there is to accuse him taking advice from a New Yorker.
Separately, if the Democratic Party tells voters that American women are victims and only the Democrats can help them, how can they spin their attempt to defeat a woman trying to bust through the glass ceiling and instead place a 74-year-old white male in a position of power?
This sounds like a gross distortion of what the Democratic Party tells voters. Nevertheless, the Democrats can point out that Congresswoman Blackburn opposed the Lily Ledbetter Act, calls herself “100 percent pro-life” and so on.
Also, there are already a number of women serving as US senators, so there is no glass ceiling.