In a quick scan of the Christine Blasey Ford testimony transcript (Washington Post), I found the following:
BROMWICH: I — I can help you with that. Both her co-counsel (ph) are doing this pro bono. We are not being paid and we have no expectation of being paid.
In other words, her legal fees and costs such as the polygraph session have been $0.
What about revenue? Just one of the cash conduits is up to $473,622 (see this gofundme page).
The transcript also answered some questions, such as “How did Christine Blasey Ford make it back and forth to Hawaii?“. She is afraid of flying, which is why there was a lot of delay about getting her to the Senate:
FORD: Yes. So that was certainly what I was hoping, was to avoid having to get on an airplane, but I eventually was able to get up the gumption with the help of some friends, and get on the plane.
But she flies coast-to-coast regularly:
MITCHELL: OK (ph). When you were here in the mid — mid-Atlantic area back in August, end of July, August, how did you get here?
FORD: Also by airplane. I come here once a year during the summer to visit my family.
FORD: I’m sorry, not here. I go to Delaware.
MITCHELL: OK. In fact, you fly fairly frequently for your hobbies and your — you’ve had to fly for your work. Is that true?
FORD: Correct, unfortunately.
And sometimes on long-haul transpacific legs:
MITCHELL: … I also saw on your C.V. that you list the following interests of surf travel, and you, in parentheses” Hawaii, Costa Rica, South Pacific islands and French Polynesia.” Have you been all to those places?
FORD: Correct.
MITCHELL: By airplane?
FORD: Yes.
MITCHELL: And your interests also include oceanography, Hawaiian and Tahitian culture. Did you travel by air as a part of those interests?
FORD: Correct.
Who needs Bitcoin when you can anonymize questionable payments and bribes through GoFundMe..
I don’t know why people don’t just say it outright: the reason she and the other two accusers are willing to fabricate accusations out of whole cloth is because some Soros-style organization is paying them huge sums of money to do so.
The modern Left does not accept any limits on their right to slander, threaten, and murder innocent people. In fact, the modern Left considers it moral, virtuous, and mandatory to slander, threaten, and murder innocent people if that will increase the power of the Left.
Why don’t one of these compassionate Senators get her put on the no-fly list so she can avoid this trauma in the future? That seems easy enough to do, and then she will not have to agonize over that fly/no-fly decision.
Anita Hill 2.0
excuse me for the language, but what a complete shit show this whole thing is. It absolutely ridiculous that it has been taken this far. People all over the world are watching this idiocy and asking themselves, if this is the government of the country that has hegemony over the whole world economically and militarily?
They have examined a high school year book to look for dirt!!! a high school year book!!!
Let’s just appoint women from now on and end this shit show. Phil is right, the Republicans are just idiots with regards to strategy. Couldn’t they have found some Republican woman?? any republican woman?? I’m really curious what “crimes” would be brought up against the women candidates when it gets escalated to this level against them. Will it be “Stacey stole my boyfriend back in high school?” or “Emily was not a good friend, she steered the bad men to her frenemies knowing they would rape them”
GermanL: On twitter I saw an Australian comment on that with “Descended from puritans.” I replied “Says the convicts.”
Yes, they had a completely perfect woman in Judge Amy Barrett who is a mother of 7 and would’ve been the most conservative Justice in recent history. But yes that is exactly what they would’ve done to her.
I set up the gofund me, and I will keep the money for myself. Unless you factually prove that page is actually going to get cash to Dr blasey Ford, it is a scam (I might have set that up!), and any accusation Dr Blasey Ford is in for the money has no factual basis.
BTW, Dr. Blasey Ford allayed all my doubts, and I am happy to say I find her sincere and credible when she accuses Kavanaugh of assault. I would not say Kavanaugh sounds sincere nor credible about his drinking. He should also quit whining and playing the victim, it is unmanly. Same for all his friends and supporters. Man up, quit whining.
I don’t know why people don’t just say it outright: the reason she and the other two accusers are willing to fabricate accusations out of whole cloth is because some Soros-style organization is paying them huge sums of money to do so.
People must not say it because there’s no evidence for such an assertion.
Coming up next: Soros is accused of selling beer to an underage Kavanaugh.
Federico: You find Dr. Blasey Ford completely credible, right? How do you explain that she chose to fly to the South Pacific to surf (rather than drive to a California or Baja, Mexico beach) and regularly to the East Coast for family/vacation/work and then claimed that she couldn’t show up at the Senate on the date requested for a hearing because she was unable to be in an airliner?
I don’t have an opinion on the events of 36 years ago, but the above apparent contradiction would keep me from finding her credible on any subject. (I didn’t watch the hearing so my opinion wasn’t influenced by her delivery style.)
[As part of my aviation activities I occasionally am called in to help with an adult or child who is afraid of flying. We may walk around the airplanes. We may taxi around the airport. Sometimes we might even go for a trip around the pattern. None of these individuals would voluntarily sign up for an airline flight to any destination! One of them is a 10-year-old and she couldn’t be persuaded to fly to Colorado for skiing or to Orlando for DIsney. If she doesn’t lose her fear and decides to take up surfing, she will be doing it in Rhode Island, not in French Polynesia.]
Note that I’m not saying that you are wrong to find her credible (I assume that anyone who voted for Hillary will have found her to be credible, for example, and they cannot all be wrong!). I am just wondering how you square her expressed inability to fly with the fact that she has flown more airline miles than 98 percent of humanity.
Phil, let’s say a man has to go pick up the kids from his ex-wife, with whom he had an acrimonious divorce. One would presume that said man might not be easy in his mind meeting the woman, but be overall able to come to terms with said challenge in order to be with his kids (kids being a source of joy, right?). Said man might on the other hand be much more reluctant to go and meet his ex-wife to go for another round of fun in court, and maybe he might elect to avoid said encounter if at all possible.
What do you think? a convincing parallel?
Federico: I don’t see the parallel. Dr. Blasey Ford never said that she was averse to being in the national spotlight at the Senate. She said only that she couldn’t show up on Monday because she was going to substitute a slower mode of transport (driving) in order to avoid being a passenger in an airplane. (It seems likely that she joined Hillary and Al Gore in Club Gulfstream; when asked how she got there she didn’t say “on JetBlue” or “with United Airlines” but “on an airplane”) She never said that she wanted to avoid being at the Senate or being in the national spotlight (in fact, she wanted to prolong her time in the spotlight by demanding an FBI investigation). She said only that she wanted to travel to D.C. in some way other than being an airline passenger.
Phil, since you are not convinced, can you find verbatim quotes from Dr. Blasey Ford, as opposed to stuff said by third parties? so we can see what she actually said herself. You are wrong saying Dr. Blasey Ford never mentioned she did not want to go to the Senate; she did in fact mention her reluctance to testify in public (in any form) during her hearing, hence my analogy.
On other matters, I presume all the divorcees you know cannot hold themselves for the joy of meeting their ex-wives in another gladiatorial match of ‘gimme your cash’.
Curious, why focus on the flying bit? I hate injections, yet i get flu shots every year because my wife forces me. Maybe she was coaxed by her family? The important part is she made it; she also exposed the other guy’s temperament while he was completely sober.
Frederico: Why look at the expressed fear of flying (which nearly delayed her testimony to the point that the Trump nominee couldn’t have been confirmed prior to the upcoming election) compared to the actual flights that she has voluntarily taken? This is the one part of her story that can be verified. The stuff about a party 36 years ago can never be verified or falsified. So if we did want to guess as to whether this passionate Democrat was telling the truth about an event 36 years ago we can maybe base that guess on whether she seems to be lying about recent stuff, e.g,. that she is afraid to fly to the point that she was going to do a five-day cross-country drive to get to the Senate and that she had only a few weeks earlier taken a couple of coast-to-coast flights for an optional vacation.
Phil, as folks mentioned, people do stuff that is uncomfortable if they expect a positive outcome, whereas they might be reluctant to do the same stuff if the outcome is not as desirable: I work for money. I would not work for free. So if you were to say ‘you seem to be reluctant to work for free, but you have a history of working for money’, well, there you have it.
Incidentally, if *you* work for free I will email you with some stuff to do!
Lock him up!
Federico: Again, the question is why she would fly repeatedly to the East Coast for family events yet wanted to drive 3,000+ miles to visit the Senate rather than fly. If she is accustomed to being a passenger in an airplane for family (Delaware annually), vacation (surfing in Polynesia), and business trips, why would she say that she needed an extra week to fight traffic on the Interstates to get to the Senate?
What’s different about the Senate destination that would make her want to drive rather than fly?