How is my favorite Democratic Presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg, doing? (previous post) Will he win the Iowa caucuses tonight or will it be one of the (barely) living fossils who get more press coverage?
In Bermuda, a comedian of color said “Pete Buttigieg is the rich white guy with one black friend”. I still think that he is by far the most soothing candidate and therefore ought to win.
How do my neighbors here in Boston feel? They’d like to “move on,” but still display bumper stickers from the 2016 election:

They don’t want anyone to think that they’re Republican:

And it turns out to be all about love:

(Perhaps a sign of the American Zeitgeist, but the driver who wants to communicate a message of “love” has a bumper sticker featuring former divorce plaintiff Elizabeth Warren. (see “Americans separating children and parents at the border and within”))
White males, gay or straight, are not wanted by the Democrats.
Pete Butthead!!!!!! Phil: I just wanted to re up my prediction that Biden/Harris will loose to Trump/Pence. I will be at Oshkosh to collect that lunch you will buy me if my prediction is accurate.
And I thought that Love Resists was Harvey Weinstein’s signature ticker.
Buttigieg’s could’ve been Love Hurts.
Phil’s Boston neighbor is confused.
A car with that kind and many bumper stickers is a sign to stay away from. Thus, the owner of such a car ensures that s/he will not be “bumped” into and thus saves on his/her insurance premium. I call that a smart move, don’t you?!!