A ray of sunshine in these dark COVID-19 times, from the Harvard Bookstore, Yes She Can: 10 Stories of Hope & Change from Young Female Staffers of the Obama White House:

It’s part of a series, but the bookstore said they were sold out of the volume from “young female staffers of the Bill Clinton White House.”
“…she fascinated me”
Another sweet story of love, HOPE, and CHANGE to cheer you all up:
Great advice: “Don’t worry about labels.”
For students of human nature, you have picked an excellent journal. https://www.thesun.co.uk/archives/news/493245/20-women-slept-with-me-to-get-promotion/ is another good one.
Where are those female staffers now that they’re middle aged & irrelevant? Hiding out in quarantine while their husbands risk their lives to win the bread?