Science-denying Covidiots in Pittsburgh reopen their business

Science-deniers defy and deny the settled science and, what’s worse, suggest that Covid-19 may not be a more serious problem than influenza:

Yealy was asked whether people should worry about COVID-19 more than the regular flu. He said people should be “worried differently,” pointing out that both take their heaviest toll on the elderly, especially nursing home residents, and people weakened by other medical conditions.

Yealy said he “would not think of it as more or less, just two different illnesses that share some features, but have some distinct differences.”

These people are reopening their business, prioritizing money over human life, justifying their lust for cash by claiming that “the death rate for people infected with the new coronavirus may be as low as 0.25%”.


12 thoughts on “Science-denying Covidiots in Pittsburgh reopen their business

  1. Best be careful they are really mad at all of us evil holocough deniers. Funny thing about PA they have a color coded risk system, where have we seen that before?

  2. She may have gotten seven days in jail, but each one of those days was worth more than $70 grand. Kelly Luther wins the “Church of Shutdown Heretic Sweepstakes” hands down.

    “A GoFundMe page that was set up for Luther has, so far, raised over $400,000. The goal was originally $250,000 but it has since increased to $500,000.”

    Here’s the page:

    She also got a visit from Sarah Palin:

  3. While here in NYC Chinatown is starting to open up with maybe 10% of food stores now open — down from say 5% a week ago and for the first time in at least a month people selling food on the streets. You can bet the Chinese business owners are not going to sit idle till the Governor and Mayor De Blasio (a/k/a Warren Wilhelm Jr. a/k/a The Dope From Park Slope) tell them it is safe to good outside and stare at the remnants of their bankrupt businesses. They didn’t make to America with that can’t do let’s hope Uncle gives us a few scraps attitude.

    • In my personal (albeit limited to one datapoint) experience in a northeastern state that is currently one of most coronaplagued, Chinese restaurateurs are very adept at making sure they run their businesses while collecting the maximum amount of Uncle Sam’s benefits for their families and children. In my home town, there was a Chinese restaurant sandwiched between a convenience store, a laundromat and a bar. We ate there often and my father had a kind of avuncular relationship with the owner. The first thing you saw when you walked in was a big sign on the register that read: “Terms: Cash”. No checks, no credit cards, cash only. The owner drove a new Mercedes. She told my father that all of her children had been delivered with their pre- and post-natal care courtesy of Uncle Sam. Their restaurant was always busy, but I’m betting that for tax accounting purposes they sold four egg rolls and five quarts of fried rice a week. The United States has funded China and Chinese expatriates to an incalculable degree, and don’t you forget it. And now we are screwed.

  4. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell the IFR is only 0.25% because ~0.24% of NYC’s population has *already died*, and the last time an antibody study was done (which overtested people going out in public), as of a few weeks ago, only 20% of NYC residents had been infected. NYC has a lower than average (for the US…) obesity rate, so it’s almost certainly going to be higher in other states.

    • It’s to be expected that death rates rise when treatments for serious conditions are stopped. Treatment is of course being provided for coronavirus but possibly of the kind that tends to kill the patient: for examples see here (search for United States) and here.

    • says that 14,753 New Yorkers have been confirmed dead due to Covid-19. The population is about 8.4 million for NYC itself. So that’s 0.17% death rate compared to the overall population. My friends who live in New York don’t think that anyone there escaped exposure to the virus. So if 100% of people tested don’t show antibodies in a particular test, that could simply be a result of some people not being susceptible to the virus in the first place. When colds are going around, not everyone will catch a cold.

      looks at what happens when you throw some people into an epidemiology model who can’t be attacked by a virus (like the 50% of Europeans who apparently couldn’t be seriously infected by the plague despite certain exposure).

  5. Well at least they want to actually earn a living, rather than collect from the government or get pregnant by a dentist.

  6. A study of Danish blood donors last month put the IFR for ages 17-69 at 0.082%, ie 82 deaths per 100,000 infections. Obviously this implies we should keep the working age population cowering at home /sarc

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