Gulfstream owners are suffering too (international destinations open to Americans)

From a company that helps jet owners plan their trips….

A lot of countries require that the PCR test be taken within 48 hours of arrival. This is challenging for overseas travelers (like from the U.S.) and/or travelers from countries where it takes longer than 24-36 hours to get the results (also like the U.S.). The workaround…secure a PCR test in a country near your destination. (For instance, Croatia now has a 48hr PCR test requirement. You can fly to Turkey (which is wide open for travel), get the test (24-36 hour turnaround), and proceed to Croatia. Our office in Turkey can help you arrange a testing provider.)

So… the Mediterranean beach holiday in Croatia can happen, but there might be a stop in Turkey. #InThisTogether

Want to prove that Donald Trump was wrong?

Haiti – Open.

Agree with Donald Trump on the superior cleanliness and development level of Western Europe?

France – France’s NOTAM is departure-based and not nationality-based. This significantly opens up access to third-country nationals (including U.S. citizens), … As long as the aircraft first clears in another Schengen country or the UK before proceeding to France, third country nationals can enter France. … How it works: Arrive in the UK, which is open, get your stamp in the UK, proceed to France. We’ve tested this option for Nice with some of our clients, and it is a workable path in.

You can go to Belarus (no shutdown, no banning of mass gatherings, and minimal coronaplague so far) without paperwork or ceremony. The rest of Europe is often open if you can claim a “business purpose.” Most of the Caribbean is open.

Here’s a question… how can anyone know whether a Covid-19 test result is genuine? What stops people from printing up Covid-19 PCR test results at home using the same laser printers that doctors and hospitals use? Passports have all kinds of forgery-prevention features, but medical test results don’t.

Bonus: A Gulfstream G650 at our local airport. (I motivated some defriending by posting this on Facebook with a caption of “We’ve taken out the middle seats for Covid-19.”)

2 thoughts on “Gulfstream owners are suffering too (international destinations open to Americans)

  1. G650 travelers should be able to afford recovered-COVID plasma boosters and travel at will. Let the proles breathe cake!

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